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We would like to invite all colleagues to an inspiring and enlightening event we call Educate✕AcademicTeachership. It is organized by the Educator Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning (EDUCATE) at Jönköping University. We hope to offer a thought-provoking journey into academic teaching and innovative pedagogical methods.


Time: May 17, 2023, 12:00–13:00
Location: JMW Hall at the University Library
Lunch: Sandwiches for all who register. Invitation will come via Outlook.


12:00-12:05 Welcome and Introduction
12:05-12:15 Micro-lecture on Academic Teachership
12:15-12:35 Course analysis with Björn Erfors
12:35-12:55 Panel with Björn Erfors and Carl Johan Odehammar
12:55-13:00 Overview of activities at Educate with Elisabet Sandblom
13:00 Thanks and mingling

Who can participate?

Everyone working at Jönköping University is welcome. Hopefully, you have already received an invitation to the event in your Outlook calendar, so you can confirm your attendance and send us a response with any dietary requirements. If you have not received an invitation, or if you are external to JU but still want to participate, send us an email at to register. Maybe you work with educational development at another institution or just want to know more about JU? Then you are welcome!

Streaming and Recording

The event will be recorded and streamed online. Come back to this website during the event for the livestream, or afterwards for the recording.

What if I can only attend part of the event?

That's okay, we understand you have other things to do, and classes and meetings are important too. Come and go as you please, you are welcome anyway!

About the Event

Our main attraction for this event is an analysis of a successful course, inspired by the "Course Anatomy Session" format at Jönköping International Business School, with this year's winner of JU's educational award, Björn Erfors. In the session, Björn will dissect and analyze the successful components to improve teaching in emergency care by bridging the gap between theory and practice. You will gain insights into course ideas, planning, delivery, and how constructive alignment has been utilized in course design.

The event also includes a micro-lecture on academic teaching, a method where university teachers continuously and systematically reflect on, investigate, and develop their teaching methods to improve student learning. Academic teaching, or Academic Teachership in English, is closely related to the broader concept of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), which involves systematic efforts to improve teaching and learning and is often used synonymously with Academic Teachership in various contexts. Both emphasize the importance of research, reflection, and development in educational practices.

Guide to 30 minutes of academic teaching per week

Guide to turning theory into practice with Academic Teachership

The event is inspired by the TEDx event format, ensuring it will be both informative and engaging. As we delve into academic teaching, we aim to enable teachers to solve pedagogical challenges, promote collegial learning and co-creation, and expand their pedagogical repertoire to facilitate lifelong learning.