Doctoral candidate wins best paper award

Peter Warda is the winner of the Uddevalla Symposium Best PhD Candidate Paper Award 2013.

Peter Warda is awarded with €700 for winning paper “Labor Decomposition – A Firm Level Analysis on Import Quality and Labour Demand.” The Uddevalla Municipality, Sweden and the University West, Sweden sponsor the prize.

In his paper, Peter Warda shows how firms use imports to replace certain stages in production of physical goods. He analyses how high and low price imports affect the labour demand in importing firms in Swedish manufacturing.

By using a unique database of observations on importing Swedish manufacturing firms of different sizes, Peter Warda has found that imports of high and low price affect firms’ labour demand differently depending on the type of education of labour, and the size of firms considered. For example, high price imports decrease the demand for high-educated labour in large sized firms, and increase the demand for high-educated labour in micro, small and medium sized firms. He has also found that high and low price imports increase the demand for low-educated labour in firm of all sizes.

Read the paper here

For more information please contact Peter Warda
