Machining and sample preparation

The machining and sample preparation laboratories serve as critical enablers in our research, supporting advanced material testing and characterization. These facilities provide a foundation for developing specialized in-house instruments and expanding our technical capabilities, fostering innovation and enhancing the depth of our research in materials science.
Mounting (cold and hot)

- Supplier & Model: Struers / CitoPress-5
- Type of Material for testing: all
- Testing methods: Hot Mounting of 30 and 50 mm diameter mounts
- Force on piston: 50-350 bars in 25 bar steps
- Heating and cooling cycles of 1 to 15 min duration each
There is also possibility to do cold mounting using epoxy mounting.

Sample preparation for microstructural or hardness evaluations.
- Supplier & Model: Struers / Tegramin-30
- Type of Material for testing: all
- Testing methods: Semi-automatic all-purpose grinding and polishing
- Other specifications: sample holder to grind/polish up to six sample at once, available for 30 mm and 50 mm dia. samples (there is also a flexible/tailored sample holder)
- Variety of grinding papers, and dimond particles + OPS/OPU solutions
Struers Lavamin instrument is available for cleaning the samples from particles

Automated electrolytic etching and polishing of metallic samples.
- Supplier & Model: Struers / LectroPol-5
- Type of Material for testing: Conductive samples
- Testing methods: Electro-etching and Electro-polishing
- Temperature range: -20 to RT
- Other: A scanning function for easy determination of parameters; built-in safety features, and a database with methods for various materials.
Machining workshop
Our workshop is well-equipped with machining, cutting, milling, and welding instruments for preparing samples components to test and characterize, as well as building in-house instruments and capabilities.
Besides the below main instruments, other minor equipments are available for drilling, belt grinder, sand blaster, Guillotine shear, Surface Grinder.
CNC mill

- Supplier & Model: HAAS / TM-1P
- Type of Material for testing: all
- 3-axis mill for machining
- Variety of tools
Another milling machine is available (Avia 3-axis mill; FNE 40NC)
CNC lathe

- Supplier & Model: HAAS / ST-10
- Type of Material for testing: all
- Lathe machining
- Variety of tools for cutting various materials
Another lathe is available for machining (Harrison M390)

- Supplier & Model: Bomar / Proline 320.280 H
- Type of Material for testing: all
- Cutting
Another bandsaw is available (Somatec KB-36)
Cut-off machine

- Supplier & Model: Struers / Exotom-150
- Type of Material for testing: all
- Cutting
Another fine cutting instrument is available (Buehler Isomet fine diamond cutter).
Other cutting, drilling, grinder, etc.

- Drill press: Srands / S25
- Belt grinder: KEF
- Sand blaster: 4USE
- Guillotine shear / Göteneds
- Surface Grinder / Chevalier FSG-2A818

- MIG Welder / ESAB LKB265
- TIG Welder / Migatronic / Focus TIG 200 AC/DC
Welding of variety of metallic materials.