The purpose of this research project is to strengthen the interaction between design and manufacturing in the industrial product realisation process.
ODISSEE: Optimal Design using Integrated Simulation baSed EnginEering
Project duration: October 2014 - October 2017
Participating companies: Kongsberg Automotive AB, Husqvarna AB, QUMEX Materialteknik AB
ODISSEE is part of the regional research programme, which is a collaboration between Jönköping University, Region Jönköpings län och the business sector.
– We aim to develop an integrated simulation tool for industrial product development. In this tool, computer simulations of manufacturing as well as behaviour and strength of the materials will be connected to mathematical optimisation algorithms. This way it will be possible to find the optimal design of a product with consideration of design, strength and manufacturing, says project leader Jakob Olsson, Senior Lecturer Materials and Manufacturing at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
To achieve this, knowledge within material and manufacturing, design automation, advanced strength calculations and mathematical optimisation algorithms are needed. The collaboration between the university’s researchers within these areas and the companies’ experienced and knowledgeable product designers gives the project a unique combination of competences.
– Working together creates opportunities to increase the competitiveness of the companies and to provide world-leading competence within industrial design to the region, says Jakob Olofsson.
Jakob Olofsson External link, opens in new window., Senior Lecturer Materials and Manufacturing