Cristina Joy Torgé

Associate Professor
Department of Social work , School of Health and Welfare
Leave of absence

Joy Torgé holds a Ph.D. in Ageing and Later Life (2014) and is currently working as an Associate Professor in Gerontology at IFG, the Institute of Gerontology. Her disciplinary background is in Philosophy and she holds two master's degrees in the subjects Applied Ethics (2006) and Health and Society (2008). Joy is a member of the research group ARN-J (Aging Research Network - Jönköping) at Jönköping University.

  • 2022 - Associate professor in Gerontology
  • 2014 - Ph.D. Ageing and Later Life (Linköping University, Sweden)
  • 2008 - MA/MSc Health and Society (Linköping University, Sweden)
  • 2006 - MA Applied Ethics (degrees granted in Linköping University, Sweden & Utrecht University, Netherlands)
  • 2003 - Bachelor of Arts, Major in Philosophy, Minor in German Studies, Minor in History (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)


2014: Joy's Ph.D. thesis ”Ageing and caring as couples with disabilities” was based on qualitative interviews with older couples with physical disabilities on their experiences of informal and mutual caring.

2016: Principal investigator (PI) for the FORTE-funded project ”Family life and informal care within eldercare: Couples with unequal care needs in assisted living”. The aim of this project is to add knowledge about family life and care at the intersection of private and the public spheres, particularly when couples with unequal health needs move to an assisted living residence together. This project ended in 2019.

2020 - present: Co-PI and from August 2021 Principal investigator (PI) for the FORTE-funded project on applied welfare research, "Closing the gap between the ambitions of carer support and its uptake – Investigating perspectives of and conditions for different welfare professionals and carers". This is an interdisciplinary project that uses existing data from a national survey on carers, a web survey for municipalities, and interviews with caregivers, needs assessors and family care consultants.

Involvement in other projects:

2016-2019: Joy was a researcher in another FORTE-financed project about older people with severe mental illness. In one substudy, she has studied the kinds of support given to older people by volunteer organizations focusing on mental health and illness. Another substudy she is working on deals with experiences of old age care staff in working with people with severe mental illness.

2018-2020: Researcher in a collaborative project between the School and Health and Welfare, the Swedish Transport Agency and the Fire and Rescue Services in Jönköping municipality. This project is about emergency services' suicide prevention work. The project was financed by the Public Health Agency of Sweden, where the results are also published as a report.


As of 2017, Joy is the program director of the Swedish master in Gerontology (60 credits) and the Nordic master in Gerontology (120 credits) at the School of Health and Welfare. Joy teaches in the undergraduate, advanced and doctoral levels. At the advanced level, Joy is responsible for the master's thesis courses in Gerontology. At the doctoral level, she has developed the course “Academic writing” together with the course leader and she is the examiner for the course.


Joy is the president of SGS, the Swedish Gerontological Society.


Torgé, C., Nilsson, P., Jegermalm, M. (2024). Support to ‘non-clients’: care managers’ role in direct and indirect carer support European Journal of Social Work. More information
Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C. (2023). Three caregiver profiles: who are they, what do they do, and who are their co-carers? European Journal of Social Work, 26(3), 466-479. More information
Persson, J., Johansson, I., Torgé, C., Bergstrom, E., Hagglin, C., Wardh, I. (2022). Oral Care Cards as a Support in Daily Oral Care of Frail Older Adults: Experiences and Perceptions of Professionals in Nursing and Dental Care-A Qualitative Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15). More information
Börjesson, U., Torgé, C. (2022). “They say this is a home”: the challenge of “home” in residential care settings for old and young Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 37, 1093-1108. More information
Torgé, C., Nyman, R. (2022). CENTENARIANS IN SWEDISH MASS MEDIA: IS IT REVERSE AGEISM? Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement 1), 661. More information
Johansson, A., Torgé, C., Fristedt, S., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2022). Relationships and gender differences within and between assessments used in Swedish home rehabilitation - a cross-sectional study BMC Health Services Research, 22. More information
Bülow, P., Finkel, D., Allgurin, M., Torgé, C., Jegermalm, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P. (2022). Aging of severely mentally ill patients first admitted before or after the reorganization of psychiatric care in Sweden International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 16(1). More information
Finkel, D., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P. (2021). Does the length of institutionalization matter? Longitudinal follow-up of persons with severe mental illness 65 years and older: shorter-stay versus longer-stay International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 36(8), 1223-1230. More information
Johansson, I., Torgé, C., Lindmark, U. (2020). Is an oral health coaching programme a way to sustain oral health for elderly people in nursing homes: A feasibility study International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 107-115. More information
Torgé, C. (2020). “Being in-Between”: Spouses that cohabit with and provide care for their partners in nursing homes Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(4), 377-384. More information
Jegermalm, M., Wilińska, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Torgé, C. (2020). Filling the gaps? The role of voluntary organizations in supporting older people with severe mental illnesses Nordic Social Work Research, 10(3), 219-229. More information
Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C., Wilińska, M. (2020). Frivilligt stöd till äldre med psykisk funktions­nedsättning Äldre i centrum, 58-61. More information
Torgé, C. (2018). Whose right to a “Reasonable Level of Living”? Spouses with differing care needs in Swedish nursing homes , 8(1), 45-60. More information
Torgé, C. (2014). Freedom and Imperative: Mutual Care Between Older Spouses With Physical Disabilities Journal of Family Nursing, 20(2), 204-225. More information
Gjessing, K., Torgé, C., Hammar, M., Dahlberg, J., Faresjö, T. (2014). Improvement of quality and safety in health care as a new interprofessional learning module – evaluation from students Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 341-347. More information
Torgé, C. (2013). Using conjoint interviews with couples that have been living with disabilities and illnesses for a long time – implications and insights Qualitative Studies, 4(2), 100-113 Århus: The University and State Library - Aarhus . More information

Doctoral thesis

Torgé, C. (2014). Ageing and Caring as Couples with Disabilities (Doctoral thesis, Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press). More information

Book chapter

Torgé, C., Nyman, R. (2021). Omvänd ålderism? Gestaltningar av 100-åringar i svenskatidningar. In: Håkan Jönson (Ed.), Perspektiv på ålderism (pp. 172 -193). Lund: Social Work Press More information
Torgé, C. (2020). Samhällsteoretiska perspektiv på åldrande. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell & Lena Östlund (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande: grundbok i gerontologi (pp. 237 -266). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information
Torgé, C., Johansson, L., Östlund, L. (2020). Äldres psykiska hälsa och sårbarhet. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell & Lena Östlund (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande: grundbok i gerontologi (pp. 125 -152). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information
Torgé, C. (2015). Interviewing couples: creating data about shared experiences. In: Eva Jeppsson Grassman, Annika Taghizadeh Larsson (Ed.), Att studera funktionshinder och åldrande: en bok om metoderfarenheter (pp. 81 -103). Norrköping: Nationella institutet för forskning om äldre och åldrande (NISAL), Linköpings universitet More information
Torgé, C. (2013). Ageing and Care Among Disabled Couples. In: Eva Jeppsson Grassman and Anna Whitaker (Ed.), Ageing with disability: a lifecourse perspective (pp. 109 -127). Bristol: Policy Press More information
Torgé, C. (2010). “What will happen to me when I'm old?” Autonomy and class in residential housing for the old in the Philippines. In: Abramsson, M., Hagberg, J-E., Lukkarinen Kvist, M. och Nord, C. (Ed.), Rum för åldrande: Essäer om äldres boende: Essäer skrivna i forskarutbildningskursen Äldres boende (pp. 37 -42). Linköping: Linköping University More information

Conference paper

Torgé, C. (2019). Filling the Gaps? – Voluntary Organizations’ Support for Older People with Severe Mental Illness. Senior Generation, 14th International Forum, 10-13 April 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia. More information
Hedman, K., Torgé, C. (2019). Suicide prevention services in Jönköping, Sweden. The Patient and Population Health and Informatics (PPH) Seminar Series, 28 October 2019, Swansea University, Medical School, Swansea, United Kingdom. More information
Kåreholt, I., Dahl Aslan, A., Siverskog, A., Torgé, C. (2019). ARN-J: A beautiful kaleidoscope of gerontologists and gerontological research: Three examples of our research. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C., Wilińska, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P. (2019). Filling the gaps? – The role of voluntary organizations in supporting older people with severe mental illnesses in Sweden: Towards increased responsibility for the civil society beyond the dichotomous substitute-or-complement paradigm. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M. (2019). The meaning of illness, times and spaces: Stories about severe mental illness from a life course perspective. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Gimbler Berglund, I., Torgé, C. (2018). Goda exempel på konkret internationalisering på hemmaplan. Med fokus på lärare och deras kompetenser. Internationaliseringsdagarna – från strategisk agenda till handling. 6-7 November 2018, Universitets- och högskolerådet (UHR), Uppsala University, Sweden. More information
Hedman, K., Torgé, C. (2018). Räddningstjänstens suicidpreventionsarbete i Region Jönköpings län. CISA (Centrum för interprofessionell samverkan och sambruk inom akut vård) Konferens: Prestigelöst samarbete över organisations- och professionsgränser, 23 October 2018, Linneus University, Växjö, Sweden. More information
Torgé, C. (2018). Dilemma of Maintaining Nearness and Maintaining Distance. Aging & Society: 8th Interdisciplinary Conference, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 18–19 September 2018. More information
Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Jegermalm, M. (2018). Similarities and Differences when Comparing Older People with Severe Mental Illness and a Population-based Study of Older People: Care and Living Conditions for Older People with Severe Mental Illness. Aging & Society: 8th Interdisciplinary Conference, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 18–19 September 2018. More information
Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C. (2018). Severe mental illness from a life course perspective – the meaning of times and spaces. Narratives by older people living in homes for the Elderly. The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, 2-4 May, 2018, Oslo, Norway. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Torgé, C., Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Jegermalm, M. (2018). Older people with and without mental illness – Register-based population study from Sweden. The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, 2-4 May, 2018, Oslo, Norway. More information
Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M. (2018). Care and living conditions for older people with severe mental illness in a Swedish municipality. Nationell forskningskonferens i socialt arbete, 9-10 October 2018, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden. More information
Johansson, I., Torgé, C., Jansson, H., Lindmark, U. (2017). Effekt på munhälsa av samarbete mellan tandhygienist och personal i äldreomsorg. TandhygienistDagarna 2017: Hälsomyter, erosion och munhälsa, Göteborg, 2-4 april, 2017.. More information
Torgé, C. (2016). Family life and care among couples in care homes. The Gerontological Society of America's 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, November 16-20, 2016. More information
Torgé, C. (2016). Whose right to a worthy life?: Two case studies of spouses moving with their partner to assisted living. Ageing and Society - Sixth Interdisciplinary Conference : Aging, Life-course, and Social Change - A Common Ground Conference, Linköping, 6-7 October, 2016.. More information
Torgé, C. (2015). Ageism, disablism and growing old with disabilities. 13th Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) Research conference, 6-8 May 2015, Bergen, Norway. More information
Torgé, C. (2014). Older couples with long-term disabilities: Multiple jeopardy or successful ageing?. Galway, Irland 8th International Conference on Cultural Gerontology, 10-12 April 2014, Galway, Ireland. More information
Torgé, C. (2013). Grounding care in social relationships. Åbo 12th Biannual Conference in Disability Research (NNDR 2013), 30-31 May 2013, Turku, Finland. More information
Torgé, C. (2012). On couples ageing together with disabilities. Umeå Midterm conference of the Research Network on Ageing in Europe “Ageing in the light of crises: Economic crisis, demographic change, and the search for meaning”, 3-5 October 2012, Umeå, Sweden. More information
Torgé, C. (2011). Ambiguities about thesis writing as a final assessment tool in undergraduate education. Linköping LiU:s utvecklingskonferens, 10 mars 2011, Linköping. More information
Torgé, C. (2011). Caringscapes, caring routes and the care context of couples growing old together with disabilitites. Boston, MA: Gerontological Society of America, 64th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Nov 18-22 2011, Boston MA. More information
Torgé, C. (2010). “The right hand helps the left”: Care in couplehood where both partners are disabled. Lancaster, UK: Lancaster University, Disability Studies Conference, Lancaster University, 7th-9th September 2010. More information
Torgé, C. (2010). With This (Disabled) Body: Distributed paper, RC 11 (Sociology of Ageing). Gothenburg, Sweden XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, "Sociology on the Move", Gothenburg, Sweden, 11 - 17 July 2010. More information

Other publications

Torgé, C., Taghizadeh Larsson, A. . Older couples with long-term disabilities: Multiple jeopardy or successful ageing?. More information
Johansson, A., Torgé, C., Rydwik, E., Fristedt, S., Ernsth-Bravell, M. . Older adults’ experiences of home rehabilitation – a scoping review. More information


Nilsson, P., Torgé, C., Rolander, B., Jegermalm, M. (2022). Former, förutsättningar och mål för anhörigstöd från anhörigkonsulenters och biståndshandläggares perspektiv: Resultat från en webbaserad enkät i Jönköpings län och Stockholms län. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Torgé, C. (2019). Delaktighet i hälso- och sjukvård i Jönköpings kommun. Jönköping: Jönköpings kommun More information