On this page, you can find information about where to turn if you have experienced discrimination, harassment or victimisation, have been retaliated against by your employer or want to appeal a decision.

An employer may not retaliate against an employee because the employee has raised a problem or deficiency (e.g. a complaint of harassment) with the employer. If you feel that you are being retaliated against by a manager, you should turn to the principal safety representative or another manager/employer representative for support.

Rejected application for accreditation of prior learning Rejected application for accreditation of prior learning

If you have applied for accreditation of prior learning and your application has been rejected, you can appeal the decision to the Board of Appeals at Jönköping University (HJÖN).

Submit your appeal to:
Jönköping University - Överklagandenämnden
Att: Registrator
Box 1026
551 11 Jönköping

Withdrawal of resources

If the supervisory relationship between a doctoral student and their supervisor is challenged due to problems arising during the supervision process, in the first instance, the manager of doctoral education must be consulted.

If a doctoral student fails substantially to fulfil their obligations under the individual study plan, the principal supervisor must report this to the associate dean of doctoral education, who will consult with the managing director.

The managing director may decide that the doctoral student will no longer be entitled to supervision and other programme resources. Before such a decision is made, both the doctoral student and the principal supervisor must be given the opportunity to express their views. The matter must be examined on the basis of their statements and any other information available. The assessment must take into account whether HLK has fulfilled its obligations under the individual study plan. The decision and its grounds must be put in writing.

A decision to withdraw the right to supervision and other resources may be appealed to the Board of Appeals at Jönköping University within 3 weeks from the date the decision was announced. More detailed information can be found in BRJU.

Grade review

A grading decision cannot be appealed. However, an examiner can take the initiative to amend or review a grade, and a doctoral student can ask for a grade to be amended or reviewed. There is no time limit for such amendment or review other than the time limit set for disposal of answer papers and similar (Decision of the President § 523).
More detailed information can be found in BRJU.

Discrimination, harassment and victimisation

If you are employed by HLK and have experienced or witnessed someone else experience discrimination, harassment/sexual harassment or victimisation, you can report the incident to your head of department or the associate dean of doctoral education. If this is not possible, you can contact a higher-level manager, such as the managing director or equivalent, or talk to a safety representative at the school.

Victimisation can also be reported to a representative for equal rights and opportunities (OLIK).

Work environment

The employer has overall responsibility for health and safety in the workplace and must take all necessary measures to prevent ill health and accidents.

As an employee, you have an important role to play in contributing to a good work environment and supporting your colleagues. How we treat each other is an important aspect of the work environment. You must report risks in the work environment to your immediate manager and participate in the implementation of measures aimed at a good work environment. You can turn to the principal safety representative for support on issues related to your work environment.

You can also contact one of the trade union organisations at Jönköping University.