Practice Based Educational Research (PER)
For more information, contact the Research Leaders:
Anna-Lena Godhe
Members of the Practice Based Educational Research environment conduct research of clear relevance to those working in schools, preschools and after-school centres. We work to develop sustainable collaborations between researchers and educators in all types of schools. These research collaborations are regional, national and international.
The common research interest within PER is the different questions that various actors within the education system may ask themselves in their professional practice. Thus, the research has clear relevance not only for primary school, secondary school, after-school centres and preschool, but also for teacher training. Several of the environment's researchers are also deeply involved in JU's teacher training program.
Ongoing projects:
- MOST – Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools To Communities
- Professionsdriven skolutveckling med fokus på förskolan och förskoleklass
- ULF – Praktiknära skolforskning
Finished projects:
- Milner, A., Bäckström, P., Ernestam, J. (2025). Constructing solidarity through social justice in education: from collaboration and conflict to amalgamation between Swedish teacher unions. Globalisation, Societies and Education 23(1), 291-309
- Godhe, A., Lindberg, Y., Bäcke, M. (2024). Who holds the future? Teachers’ work with students’ future thinking, sustainability & technology.
- Lindberg, Y., Godhe, A., Bäcke, M. (2024). Diffractive creation: Students’ collaborative writing processes and practices with GenAI.
- Ekdahl, A., Nord, M., Kullberg, A. (2024). What matters in teaching for students’ learning opportunities of subtraction in the 1–20 number range?. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Lindberg, Y., Godhe, A., Bäcke, M., Haglind, T., Galbraith, A., Selvander, F., Rangsjö, J. (2024). Futures Day: Framtidsperspektiv och kollaborativt skrivande med GenAI i svensk- och teknikämnet på gymnasiet.
- Godhe, A., Lindberg, Y., Bäcke, M. (2024). Students create futures: Diffraction patterns in writing practices and processes with GenAI.
- Godhe, A., Lindberg, Y. (2024). Composing future imaginaries in L1.
- Alnervik, K., Öhman, C., Anderstaf, S., Wennefors, K. (2024). Vårdnadshavare i förskolan - förtroendefulla relationer för professionellt samarbete. Stockholm: Lärarförlaget
- Öhman, C. (2024). Development dialogue in Preschool – a study about how parental participation appears through preschool teachers’ professionalism. European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA)
- Ekdahl, A., Björklund, C. (2024). Teaching number relations with finger patterns when exceeding 10.
- Ekdahl, A., Kerekes, K. (2024). Implementing a French teaching program in a Swedish grade 1 classroom. Göteborg: Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF
- Björklund, C., Elofsson, J., Kullberg, A., Ekdahl, A., Runesson Kempe, U., Alkhede, M. (2024). Preschool class students’ discernment of number structure in a spatial pattern. Göteborg: Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF
- Ekdahl, A., Lundberg, B. (2024). Att utveckla undervisning om tal och talrelationer i förskoleklass. Forskning om undervisning och lärande 12(2), 85-107
- Björklund, C., Elofsson, J., Kullberg, A., Ekdahl, A., Runesson Kempe, U., Alkhede, M. (2024). Förskoleklasselevers användning av talstrukturer. Forskning om undervisning och lärande 12(2), 31-45
- Elofsson, J., Runesson Kempe, U., Ekdahl, A., Björklund, C. (2024). Kartläggning av förskoleklassens matematikundervisning om tal – kvalitativa skillnader och lärandemöjligheter. Forskning om undervisning och lärande 12(1), 47-68
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