I never raised my voice in a group and I most certainly never asked anyone to complete their tasks. In the end, I did all the work. But that was before JU.

Right from the start I was given the opportunity to act as a project leader – an experience that made me overcome my fear of managing people. I have developed my ability to communicate and cooperate with others, and today, leadership is something I enjoy. After my bachelor’s in Computer Science back in India, I started to search for a master’s programme that mixed management and development with a touch of entrepreneurship and JU offered just that. I’m intrigued by the Internet of Things and think it might be a good subject for my PhD. But first, I am looking forward to taking a break from studies and research and enjoy professional life for a couple of years. Actually, I have a standing offer from the company where I did my internship.
Internationalisation is integrated in every part of JU – from studies where project groups are mixed, to student life and leisure. I’ve made some really good friends and have learned to love this beautiful country and its people. I’ll always remember how much fun we’ve had sharing our cultures, cooking for each other and enjoying parties and movie nights. I’ll also remember the first snow, building a snowman and winter bathing in the lake defying the fact that it was -10°C outside. We all caught a cold… If you want to study and enjoy life in a foreign country, JU will fulfil all your expectations when it comes to studies, career, party, fun, opportunities and experience.
Ajay Kumar Rajamundry
Student, Software Product Engineering
School of Engineering
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