My involvement in startups in Egypt led me to seek a master’s degree in entrepreneurship. Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) was a top choice because higher education in Sweden is ranked among the best in the world.
Mohammed Abdelgawad, Former Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship
Besides, JIBS is ranked 1st in Europe and 3rd globally in terms of entrepreneurship and family business
research. Also, JIBS is known to be well organized with reputable professors.
This helped me make up my mind to join the Strategic Entrepreneurship programme.
Student life is enjoyable, motivating and genuine. Meeting new friends from literally all over the world is guaranteed. Every step on campus you run into students with different
backgrounds and goals. This diverse culture will push you to accomplish more, and dig deeper for more learning,
growth, and fun – such as barbecuing and going for fika with friends. You can easily join different sports and student clubs on and off campus. I myself was a member of the JU volleyball team.
The education has sharpened my entrepreneurial competencies, and equipped me with tools and techniques to create and manage ventures. All courses emphasized groupwork, which at first seemed time consuming but eventually yielded much more polished and higher quality work. One ability that I have enhanced is thinking
independently, creatively and critically.
Holding seminars, workshops and field trips for the Swedish Institute Network for Future Global Leaders, of which I was a board member, was a way for me to grow and build an extensive professional network, which will help me build bridges between Egypt and Sweden in the future.
Now I can’t wait to put what I’ve learned into practice. I’m confident my business skills are sharpened and ready to be tested in the real market. Upon return to Cairo I plan to kick off my first social startup. Ultimately I want to contribute to economic growth in the emerging Egyptian market by creating new business opportunities while
addressing societal and environmental problems.
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