Patric Sandström

Project Manager
Department Educational Support , University Services
System support , University Services


K 4013
+46 73-910 08 54
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Project Manager digitalization

  • Focus on digitalization since Sept 2023
  • Team manager System support Sept 2021 - Aug 2023.
  • Temporary webmaster during spring 2023.
  • Project Manager “Student Administrative Processes” 2022.
  • Finance matters at Educational Support dep 2019-2023.
  • Member of "IT-beredningen" at JU 2019-2023.

New in the academic world 2019. Worked with web-based solutions 2001-2019, mainly intranet, task systems and e-commerce, especially the product suite KEYnet. The tasks at KEYnet Sweden included consultant, project manager, KEY Account Manager and product developer. I was also partner 2012-2019. Background as an economist and studied System Development at JU 1998-2001, with a bachelor's degree in 2001.

Office at K-house on JU Campus, and 24-7 on LinkedIn.