A scholarship is a financial contribution which is given by foundations, associations, companies, banks and trade associations. These scholarships are generally tax-free, but can sometimes be counted as wages subject to conditions and may need to be taxed. Scholarships awarded for educational purposes, however, usually are free of tax.
General Tips
Plan and Research
Formulate your needs
Before you start looking for scholarships, it's important to really think about what you need financial assistance for and if you think someone would want to fund it. What you need help with can be anything from financing literature, to help with flight tickets, or to support extensive research. Scholarships are awarded to both students and private individuals and companies with the intent of promoting a particular purpose.
There are books stuffed full with information about scholarships and foundations. You can often find them in libraries. Some popular collections are: ”Stipendiehandboken” ("Scholarship Handbook"), ”Fonder och stipendier i Sverige” ("Funds and scholarships in Sweden"), ”Stora Fondboken” ("Big Book Fund") and "Scholarships & Grants".
On different Embassy websites you can sometimes find information about different grants connected to the country where you are going to stay. You can also visit the Swedish embassy website of the country you are travelling to, and see if there is information about scholarships for Swedes abroad.
Be creative and visit websites or contact different associations, federations, banks, insurance offices etc. to ask if they award scholarships.
Find out what the application should contain
Different foundations have different requirements that you must fulfil in order to receive their scholarship. It is therefore important to find out what requirements you need to fulfil before submitting the application. Competition for scholarships is fierce, and if you do not have thorough and accurate application, your chances to receive the grant are small.
An application often contains a personal letter, a resume, a cv, references, background to why you are applying for the scholarship, and what you will use the money for.
Things to think about...
- Start early!
- Sometimes it is possible to apply for a grant even if you already have started a project.
- Search for scholarships that are linked to your school, education, student nation, etc.
- Search for scholarships related to your place of birth or current residence
- Search for scholarships related to your union, political party, or sport.
Apply for different kinds of scholarships
The International Relations Office administers several scholarships available for exchange students such as Erasmus, NordPlus and MFS. You can read more about these using the drop down menu on the left.
Most foundations and scholarships can be found on the web. The Swedish Institute is a great website to find out more information about scholarships to study in Sweden.
The database Global Grant is a great place to research various scholarships and get tips on how to write an application.
At you fill in as detailed an application as possible, and then get a list of suggestions for scholarships to apply. The website also contains facts, tips and advice on how to write a winning application.
Other databases which may be useful include
- Institute of International Education
- DAAD: Database for Studying in Germany Datenbank / a / 21148-scholarship database /
- Grant Info Database: Europe
(This is a user-pays service. Students can enter their profile details and the service will look for scholarships which may be appropriate. If a match is found, students pay for the information (25EUR ).
- helps you with free information about foreign studies and provides various study abroad scholarships. Read more & apply here!

Organizations, agencies and companies
Sambla AB distributes a scholarship of SEK10,000: - to students studying at a Swedish university or college and already have, or will study abroad.
Alla Ljudböckers scholarship for exchange studies
Get SEK 10,000 for your semester abroad. Information and application here. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Wallenberg scholarships
The scholarship makes it possible for young students to study at well-reputed universities outside Sweden. It is open to all disciplines related to international industry. Swedish citizens with an academic degree may apply for the scholarship. (opportunities for postdoc, MFS)
Gunvor and Josef Anérs foundation
Scholarships may be awarded to students who are undertaking advanced education at foreign educational institutions, when no other financial opportunities are available such as study grants, student loans, etc.
Sven and Dagmar Salens Foundation www.salenstiftelsen. see the
Stint The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education. STINT was set up by the Swedish Government in 1994 with the mission to internationalize Swedish higher education and research Grant options for PostGraduate / / MFS study
SWEA: Agneta and Gunnar Nilsson's scholarship for studies of intercultural relations.
Harald and Fanny Zetterbergs Foundation
Economic vulnerability combined with study talent (or talent within music, art, etc.) are the two criteria that applications are judged by.
Travel grant for HHJ’s students
All students accepted to studies abroad and traveling outside of Europe (excluded Linnaeus Palme students) can apply for travel grant Word, 111.6 kB., 4000 SEK. Travel grants are financed by School of Health and Welfare.
Thesis Abroad (HHJ students)
Thesis abroad is a scholarship worth 4000 SEK and financed by School of Health and Welfare. This scholarship is meant to be a complement of MFS programme as a result of hard concurrence and limited MFS-places.
Fundamental Guidelines of Thesis abroad programme are similar to MFS-programme. Differences are following:
- The amount of scholarships: 10
- The scholarship is worth 4000 SEK
- the period of time abroad might be shorter: 4-8 weeks.
- students are not attending mandatory MFS-course in Härnösand organized by SIDA but they’re attending whole day preparatory workshop at School of Health and Welfare.
Application: you can apply for Thesis Abroad at the same time as for MFS-programme. In the application form you will have a possibility to confirm that you want to receive a “Thesis abroad scholarship” in case that you will not receive a MFS-scholarship.

Other scholarships
Information about other scholarships. Some of them
for studies abroad.