Karriärum is a great opportunity for you as a student to meet, connect and to discover new companies! Whether you are searching for internship, thesis work or a summer job you can be sure you will find it at Karriärum!
Fair information
Companies and organisations who exhibit will upload job ads and internship information, etc. on JobTeaser External link, opens in new window.. If you haven't registered for JobTeaser please consider doing so before the fair.
The fair is mainly focused on the School of Engineering students who are scheduled for the fair, but everyone within JU are very welcome.
Join the Karriärum team

The Karriärum team 2021
Do you want to be a part of Jönköping University's largest and most visited career fair? Or maybe you are interested in getting involved in a larger project with many other students, which benefits your education and your career opportunities.
The project group consists of students from different backgrounds and programs who together with JTH and HITECH, create a fair with 120 exhibitors that cover the entire School of Engineering building. We need students who are interested in web, logistics, marketing and more.
With a project manager from JTH and a project group from HITECH, the planning starts at the start of the spring semester.
If you are interested in joining the project group, contact affairs.hitech@js.ju.se