93 Publications
Article (refereed)
Diaw, M., Retraint, F., Morain-Nicolier, F., Delahaies, A., Landré, J. (2025). New Statistic Detector for Structural Image Similarity.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (pp. 1168-1183).
Ingemarsson, J., Birath, M., Kävrestad, J. (2025). Factors influencing Swedish citizens’ willingness to provide their mobile phones to forensic examination.
International Journal of Information Security 24(1),
Kiesel, D., Riehmann, P., Engelmann, I., Ramezani, H., Froehlich, B. (2025). Comment Analyzer: A Tool for Analyzing Comment Sets and Thread Structures of News Articles.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Praestegaard Larsen, B. (2025). Research process model for bachelor's thesis.
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education
Dehne, A., Niyazov, S., Sandkuhl, K. (2024). Variability Modeling in Enterprise Architecture Management: Case Study and Survey on Existing Approaches.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly 2024(39), 26-47
Fallatah, W., Kävrestad, J., Furnell, S. (2024). Establishing a model for the user acceptance of cybersecurity training.
Future Internet 16(8),
Ghaffari, M., Khan, G., Singh, S., Ferwerda, B. (2024). The impact of COVID-19 on online music listening behaviors in light of listeners’ social interactions.
Multimedia tools and applications (pp. 13197-13239).
Kitkowska, A., Alaqra, A., Wästlund, E. (2024). Lockdown locomotion: the fast-forwarding effects of technology use on digital well-being due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Behavior and Information Technology 43(6), 1178-1205
Kitkowska, A., Broden, K., Abdullah, L. (2024). The Requirements, Benefits, and Barriers of IoT Solutions to Support Well-Being in Elementary Schools.
IEEE Access (pp. 144965-144981).
Kävrestad, J., Burvall, F., Nohlberg, M. (2024). A taxonomy of factors that contribute to organizational Cybersecurity Awareness (CSA).
Information and Computer Security
Kävrestad, J., Rambusch, J., Nohlberg, M. (2024). Design principles for cognitively accessible cybersecurity training.
Computers & Security
Naqvi, B., Kävrestad, J., Najmul Islam, A. (2024). Inclusive and Accessible Cybersecurity: Challenges and Future Directions.
Computer 57(6), 73-81
Niforatos, E., Ferwerda, B., Pop, M., Schricker, M. (2024). Integrating Generative AI in the UX Design Process: An Empirical Perspective.
Ekphrasis 32(2), 114-122
Pettersson, T., Riveiro, M., Löfström, T. (2024). Multimodal fine-grained grocery product recognition using image and OCR text.
Machine Vision and Applications 35(4),
Praestegaard Larsen, B. (2024). A review of ethical considerations within autonomous maritime cybersecurity research.
Journal of Maritime Research 21(1), 97-100
Ramstrand, N., Riveiro, M., Eriksson, L., Ceder, M. (2024). Designing feelings into lower-limb prostheses: A kansei engineering approach to understand lower-limb prosthetic cosmeses.
Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering
Rehbohm, T., Sandkuhl, K. (2024). Referenzarchitektur Cybersicherheit im Föderalsystem Deutschlands.
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 61(4), 1042-1058
Reiz, A., Sandkuhl, K. (2024). NEOntometrics - A Public Endpoint for Calculating Ontology Metrics.
Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge 2(2),
Shulman, Y., Kitkowska, A., Warner, M., Meyer, J. (2024). Conceal or reveal: (non)disclosure choices in online information sharing.
Behavior and Information Technology 43(16), 4125-4149
Smedberg, H., Bandaru, S., Riveiro, M., Ng, A. (2024). Mimer: A Web-Based Tool for Knowledge Discovery in Multi-Criteria Decision Support [Application Notes].
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 19(3), 73-87
Wichmann, J., Paetow, T., Leyer, M., Aweno, B., Sandkuhl, K. (2024). Determining design criteria for indoor positioning system projects in hospitals: A design science approach.
Digital Health
Erdmann, S., Sandkuhl, K. (2023). Robotic Process Automation in Small Enterprises: An Investigation into Application Potential.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly 2023(34), 84-105
Ferwerda, B., Hanbury, A., Knijnenburg, B., Larsen, B., Michiels, L., Papenmeier, A. ... Willemsen, M. (2023). Reality Check – Conducting Real World Studies.
Dagstuhl Reports 13(1), 20-40
Flyckt, J., Andersson, F., Westphal, F., Mansson, A., Lavesson, N. (2023). Explaining rifle shooting factors through multi-sensor body tracking.
Intelligent Data Analysis 27(2), 535-554
Gleicher, M., Riveiro, M., Von Landesberger, T., Deussen, O., Chang, R., Gillman, C. (2023). A Problem Space for Designing Visualizations.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 43(4), 111-120
Kiesel, D., Riehmann, P., Froehlich, B. (2023). Smooth transitions between parallel coordinates and scatter plots via polycurve star plots.
Computer graphics forum (Print) 42(6),
Kitkowska, A., Shulman, Y., Martucci, L., Wästlund, E. (2023). Designing for privacy: Exploring the influence of affect and individual characteristics on users' interactions with privacy policies.
Computers & security (Print)
Mahmood, Y., Meier, A., Schmidt, J. (2023). Parameterized Complexity of Logic-based Argumentation in Schaefer's Framework.
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 24(3),
Moses, F., Sandkuhl, K. (2023). Information Security Management in Small Public Sector Organizations: Requirements and Design of a Procedural Approach.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly 2023(37), 54-68
Ohlander, U., Alfredson, J., Riveiro, M., Helldin, T., Falkman, G. (2023). The Effects of Varying Degrees of Information on Teamwork a Study on Fighter Pilots.
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 67(1), 1965-1970
Riveiro, M. (2023). Expectations, trust, and evaluation.
Dagstuhl Reports 12(8), 109-109
Riveiro, M. (2023). A design theory for uncertainty visualization?.
Dagstuhl Reports 12(8), 12-13
Sandkuhl, K. (2023). Quantified products: Case studies, features and their design implications.
Informatica (Vilnius) 34(4), 825-845
Sequeira, M., Adlemo, A., Hilletofth, P. (2023). A hybrid fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS model for evaluation of manufacturing relocation decisions.
Operations Management Research (pp. 164-191).
Shilov, N., Othman, W., Fellmann, M., Sandkuhl, K. (2023). Machine learning for enterprise modeling assistance: an investigation of the potential and proof of concept.
Software and Systems Modeling (pp. 619-646).
Würtz, M., Sandkuhl, K. (2023). Enterprise Architecture for Integration of Demand-Responsive Services in Public Transport.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly 2023(34), 62-83
Bernsmed, K., Bour, G., Lundgren, M., Bergström, E. (2022). An evaluation of practitioners’ perceptions of a security risk assessment methodology in air traffic management projects.
Journal of Air Transport Management
Flyckt, J., Andersson, F., Lavesson, N., Nilsson, L., Ågren, A. (2022). Detecting ditches using supervised learning on high-resolution digital elevation models.
Expert systems with applications
Sandkuhl, K., Shilov, N., Seigerroth, U., Smirnov, A. (2022). Towards the Quantified Product-Product Lifecycle Support by Multi-Aspect Ontologies.
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55(2), 187-192
Arvidsson, S., Gullstrand, M., Sirmacek, B., Riveiro, M. (2021). Sensor fusion and convolutional neural networks for indoor occupancy prediction using multiple low-cost low-resolution heat sensor data.
Sensors 21(4), 1-21
Baer, F., Sandkuhl, K., Leyer, M., Lantow, B. (2021). DESERV IT: A method for devolving service tasks in IT services.
Business & Information Systems Engineering (pp. 419-439).
Beauxis-Aussalet, E., Behrisch, M., Borgo, R., Chau, D., Collins, C., Ebert, D. ... Rhyne, T. (2021). The Role of Interactive Visualization in Fostering Trust in AI.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 41(6), 7-12
Bergström, E., Karlsson, F., Åhlfeldt, R. (2021). Developing an information classification method.
Information and Computer Security 29(2), 209-239
Eriksson, M., Ferwerda, B. (2021). Towards a User Experience Framework for Business Intelligence.
Journal of Computer Information Systems 61(5), 428-437
Jonsson, P., Lagerkvist, V., Schmidt, J., Uppman, H. (2021). The exponential-time hypothesis and the relative complexity of optimization and logical reasoning problems.
Theoretical Computer Science (pp. 1-24).
Kaidalova, J., Sandkuhl, K., Seigerroth, U. (2021). Product-IT Inclusive Enterprise Architecture Management: An Approach Based on Ecosystems, Customer Journey and Data-Driven Business Opportunities.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (pp. 1-25).
Mahmood, Y., Meier, A., Schmidt, J. (2021). Parameterized complexity of abduction in Schaefer's framework.
Journal of logic and computation (Print) 31(1), 266-296
Riveiro, M., Thill, S. (2021). “That's (not) the output I expected!” On the role of end user expectations in creating explanations of AI systems.
Artificial Intelligence
Sequeira, M., Hilletofth, P., Adlemo, A. (2021). AHP-based support tools for initial screening of manufacturing reshoring decisions.
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 14(3), 502-527
Ulfenborg, B., Karlsson, A., Riveiro, M., Andersson, C., Sartipy, P., Synnergren, J. (2021). Multi-assignment clustering: Machine learning from a biological perspective.
Journal of Biotechnology (pp. 1-10).
Ventocilla, E., Martins, R., Paulovich, F., Riveiro, M. (2021). Scaling the Growing Neural Gas for Visual Cluster Analysis.
Big Data Research
Bae, J., Helldin, T., Riveiro, M., Nowaczyk, S., Bouguelia, M., Falkman, G. (2020). Interactive Clustering: A Comprehensive Review.
ACM Digital Library
Härting, R., Reichstein, C., Sandkuhl, K., Hoppe, N., Yesilay, H. (2020). Potential benefits of enterprise architecture management in the digital transformation Process.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (pp. 49-60).
Möhring, M., Schmidt, R., Keller, B., Sandkuhl, K., Zimmermann, A. (2020). Predictive maintenance information systems: The underlying conditions and technological aspects.
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems 16(2), 22-37
Riveiro, M. (2020). Explainable AI for maritime anomaly detection and autonomous driving.
Dagstuhl Reports 9(11), 29-30
Sandkuhl, K., Shilov, N., Smirnov, A. (2020). Facilitating digital transformation: success factors and multi-aspect ontologies.
The International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 13(4), 376-393
Sirmacek, B., Riveiro, M. (2020). Occupancy prediction using low-cost and low-resolution heat sensors for smart offices.
Sensors 20(19),
Ventocilla, E., Riveiro, M. (2020). A comparative user study of visualization techniques for cluster analysis of multidimensional data sets.
Information Visualization 19(4), 318-338
Wichmann, J., Sandkuhl, K., Shilov, N., Smirnov, A., Timm, F., Wißotzki, M. (2020). Enterprise architecture frameworks as support for implementation of regulations: Approach and experiences from GDPR.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (pp. 31-48).
Bergström, E., Lundgren, M. (2019). Stress Amongst Novice Information Security Risk Management Practitioners.
International Journal on Cyber Situational Awareness 4(1), 128-154
Bernhard, J., Carstensen, A., Davidsen, J., Ryberg, T. (2019). Practical Epistemic Cognition in a Design Project - Engineering Students Developing Epistemic Fluency.
IEEE Transactions on Education 62(3), 216-225
Carstensen, A., Bernhard, J. (2019). Design science research – a powerful tool for improving methods in engineering education research.
European Journal of Engineering Education 44(1-2), 85-102
Diadiushkin, A., Sandkuhl, K., Maiatin, A. (2019). Fraud Detection in Payments Transactions: Overview of Existing Approaches and Usage for Instant Payments.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (pp. 72-88).
Dórea, F., Vial, F., Hammar, K., Lindberg, A., Lambrix, P., Blomqvist, E., Revie, C. (2019). Drivers for the development of an Animal Health Surveillance Ontology (AHSO).
Preventive Veterinary Medicine (pp. 39-48).
Ferwerda, B., Yang, E., Schedl, M., Tkalcic, M. (2019). Personality and taxonomy preferences, and the influence of category choice on the user experience for music streaming services.
Multimedia tools and applications 78(14), 20157-20190
Hilletofth, P., Sequeira, M., Adlemo, A. (2019). Three novel fuzzy logic concepts applied to reshoring decision-making.
Expert systems with applications (pp. 133-143).
Martens, A., Sandkuhl, K., Lantow, B., Lehmann, H., Lettau, W., Radisch, F. (2019). An evaluation approach for smart support of teaching and learning processes.
Smart Learning Environments 6(1),
Sandkuhl, K., Seigerroth, U. (2019). Method engineering in information systems analysis and design: a balanced scorecard approach for method improvement.
Software and Systems Modeling 18(3), 1833-1857
Alirezaie, M., Hammar, K., Blomqvist, E. (2018). SmartEnv as a Network of Ontology Patterns.
Semantic Web 9(6), 903-918
Bär, F., Leyer, M., Sandkuhl, K. (2018). Reducing the IT Personnel’s Workload in IT Self-Services.
SMR - Journal of Service Management Research 2(4), 19-32
Johansson, U., Linusson, H., Löfström, T., Boström, H. (2018). Interpretable regression trees using conformal prediction.
Expert systems with applications (pp. 394-404).
Kaidalova, J., Sandkuhl, K., Seigerroth, U. (2018). How Digital Transformation affects Enterprise Architecture Management - a case study.
International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management 6(3), 5-18
Koç, H., Sandkuhl, K., Stirna, J., Kuhr, J. (2018). Capability as a Service: Method and Tool Support for Context-Aware Business Services.
International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector 10(3), 64-84
Lambusch, F., Waltemath, D., Wolkenhauer, O., Sandkuhl, K., Rosenke, C., Henkel, R. (2018). Identifying frequent patterns in biochemical reaction networks: a workflow.
Möhring, M., Schmidt, R., Sandkuhl, K. (2018). Flexible Entscheidungsmechanismen: Implementierung eines dynamischen präventiven Retourenmanagements.
14(1), 40-42
Sandkuhl, K., Alexander, S. (2018). Context-oriented Knowledge Management in Production Networks.
Applied Computer Systems 23(2), 81-89
Sandkuhl, K., Fill, H., Hoppenbrouwers, S., Krogstie, J., Matthes, F., Opdahl, A. ... Winter, R. (2018). From Expert Discipline to Common Practice: A Vision and Research Agenda for Extending the Reach of Enterprise Modeling.
Business & Information Systems Engineering 60(1), 69-80
Sandkuhl, K., Herzog, H., Timm, F., Stephan, G., Debski, A. (2018). Eine Referenz für die Compliance-Organisation: Referenzmodell zur IT-gestützten Realisierung von Compliance in der Finanzindustrie.
Zeitschrift für Risk, Fraud & Compliance 13(1), 16-22
Timm, F., Sandkuhl, K. (2018). Towards a Reference Compliance Organization in the Financial Sector.
Banking and Information Technology 19(2), 38-48
Westphal, F., Grahn, H., Lavesson, N. (2018). Efficient document image binarization using heterogeneous computing and parameter tuning.
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 21(1-2), 41-58
Boström, H., Linusson, H., Löfström, T., Johansson, U. (2017). Accelerating difficulty estimation for conformal regression forests.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 81(1-2), 125-144
Gaeta, M., Marzano, A., Miranda, S., Sandkuhl, K. (2017). The competence management to improve the learning engagement.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 8(3), 405-417
Grabis, J., Sandkuhl, K. (2017). Value-based and context-aware selection of software-service bundles: A capability based method.
(pp. 21-37).
Harlamova, M., Kirikova, M., Sandkuhl, K. (2017). A survey on challenges of semantics application in the Internet of Things domain.
21(1), 13-21
Kaidalova, J., Seigerroth, U., Sandkuhl, K. (2017). Enterprise Modeling for Business and IT Alignment – A Framework and Recommendations.
12(71), 67-86
Leyer, M., Sandkuhl, K. (2017). Integration of individual processes and information demand patterns: A conceptual analysis.
(pp. 61-72).
Stamer, D., Sandkuhl, K., Zeiner, V. (2016). Information Demand Pattern for Teams.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (pp. 54-72).
Zimmermann, A., Jugel, D., Sandkuhl, K., Schmidt, R., Schweda, C., Möhring, M. (2016). Architectural Decision Management for Digital Transformation of Products and Services.
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (pp. 31-53).
Berzisa, S., Bravos, G., González, T., Czubayko, U., España, S., Grabis, J. ... Zdravkovic, J. (2015). Capability Driven Development: An Approach to Designing Digital Enterprises.
Business & Information Systems Engineering 57(1), 15-25
Lantow, B., Sandkuhl, K. (2015). An Analysis of Applicability using Quality Metrics for Ontologies on Ontology Design Patterns.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management 22(1), 81-99
Sandkuhl, K. (2015). Pattern-based Knowledge Architecture for Information Logistics.
Revista Investigacion Operacional 36(1), 36-44
Sandkuhl, K., Kuhr, J., Koç, H., Czubayko, U. (2015). Capability Management im Geschäftsprozess-Outsourcing.
Controlling 27(12), 693-702
Tinney, T., Adlemo, A., Seigerroth, U., Candell, O. (2015). Safety and security in eMaintenance: The need for integration.
International Journal of COMADEM 18(2), 39-51