Academic Partner: Jönköping University
Financier: The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
Duration of the project: 2022 – 2024
Project manager: Erik Bergström, Assistant Professor
VISKA (In Swedish: Verktygsstöd för anpassningsbar Informationsklassning) is a project about adaptable tool support for information classification.
Information classification is a cornerstone of the systematic information security work and is something that must be carried out by, for example, Swedish government agencies. Unfortunately, there are many challenges with introducing and using classification in organizations. The challenges involve, among other things, that it is a subjective assessment that must be made, understanding what assets are and how the result is to be documented.
Tool support for information classification that are available today are lacking in various ways, for example, by not being sufficiently adaptable. This both regards the information classification and how the classification interacts with other activities in the systematic information security work, such as risk analysis and gap analysis. The project is based on the needs of, for example, agencies. It intends to create knowledge about how tool support for adaptable information classification can be designed so that classifications can be carried out in a better way.
Expected results
The project aims to develop a prototype as a proof-of-concept of adaptable tool support for information classification. This tool support shall be based on design principles formulated based on: (1) an overview of existing tools and design principles as well as Swedish government agencies' current tool support and (2) based on knowledge from interviews, workshops and observations.
The knowledge generated in this project will enable more adaptable tool support for classification, which in the long run can facilitate the classification work and increase the number of classifications performed. In addition, the project contributes to classification research, which today is both limited and fragmented.

For more information
- Assistant Professor Computer Science
- School of Engineering
- erik.bergstrom@ju.se
- +46 36-550 2420
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