Faster and better computation of surfaces
In a new PhD thesis from the School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Mirza Cenanovic presents numerical methods for faster and more accurate computations of surface problems. The results are expected to have a future impact in a wide range of industries and Swedish companies within the manufacturing industry are already showing their interest.

”The purpose of the thesis has been to further develop numerical methods for solving surface problems by utilizing tangential calculus and the trace finite element method – and to show how these methods can be used”, explains Mirza Cenanovic.
One example is MRI-scanners used in hospitals.
”The raw data from a scan creates a surface that might be quite rough, a bit like an orange peel. To smooth the surface the mean curvature needs to be computed as accurately as possible. My work provides suggestions on how this can be done more accurately.”
Mirza Cenanovic's methods have a wide range of applications and can, for example, be used to solve problems concerning surface strength and refinement of surface geometry in many different industries.
”These are general methods that can be used in many areas, such as solid mechanics and computer graphics. They can be used to model a sheet metal detail and see what happens to the surface under load. They would also facilitate product development with advanced sandwich constructions and mixing different materials in several layers – for example when designing aircraft wings.”
In the next step, Mirza Cenanovic's computational models will be utilized to develop methods for structural optimization, possibly within the framework of a new research project. Several Swedish companies have already shown their interest.
”Hopefully, my methods will be realized in industrial applications within ten years.”
Mirza Cenanovic successfully defended his thesis ”Finite element methods for surface problems” at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University, on Friday 12th may.