Positive news for the School of Education and Communication
The School of Education and Communication (HLK) at Jönköping University has recently received news from three major research funders regarding granted funds. The Swedish Research Council, the Knowledge Foundation and Formas have all approved various research projects at HLK.
“It is very gratifying that we have been so successful with our applications to various financiers. Increasing the external funding of research is an important part of the strategic work for us, and it is very positive to receive three positive messages from three of the largest funders in Sweden,” says Marie Öhman, Dean and Managing Director of HLK.
Investment in outdoor pedagogy
Ellen Almers and Per Askerlund, researchers at HLK and both active in the department of subject didactics and global studies, have been granted funding for the project: “Collaboration for multifunctional outdoor environments for play, learning and strengthened ecosystem services” from Formas. The project runs during 2021–2024 and focuses on sustainability issues and sustainable development with a connection to outdoor pedagogy.
Formas is a government research council for sustainable development. They fund research and innovation, develop strategies, perform analyses and conduct evaluations. Their areas of activity include the environment, agricultural sciences and spatial planning.
Leadership development in focus
The Knowledge Foundation has granted 12 million to the research project “System for leadership development” which brings together researchers from all four schools within Jönköping University. Read more here
From HLK, Ingela Bergmo-Prvulovic participates, she who is a university lecturer in pedagogy at the department of pedagogy and psychology.
Diversity in focus
"Cultural enabling of education through language and literature" (CuEEd-LL) is the name of a new doctoral school that received almost SEK 39 million in grants from The Swedish Research Council until 2026. The project aims to build research capacity among teacher educators, to prepare the next generation of teachers to teach for the diversity of the Swedish school. Ylva Lindberg, Professor and Head of Research at HLK, is project manager for CuEEd-LL.