
26 January, 02:00-04:00 p.m

The UMBC Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Program Presents a Virtual Session.
Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/62849906150?pwd=QUJ5cCtNVnJyZWo1WGFXVUx2T1Ivdz09

Schooling vs. education: the making of a revolutionary subjectivity in postwar Ethiopia

Semeneh Ayalew Asfaw is a cultural and political historian and a postdoc who is affiliated with the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University.

His talk will focus on how university students in Addis Ababa, and Addis Ababans generally, in the postwar period reshaped the "hegemonic" discourses they received from state-affiliated institutions (the university, the theater and the like) to form a rebellious cultural and political subjectivity that paved the way for the Ethiopian Revolution of 1974. This historical understanding of the Ethiopian Revolution encourages us to view education, self making, and cultural formation as processes involving a complex interplay between subject formation from above (for example, the imperial state and its institutions) and from below (students, urban dwellers and the general citizenry). It also encourages us to view discourses and practices associated with modernity as being contested and as being informed not just by the ideas and interests of a ruling clique but also by the ideas and interests of the ruled, often with transformative and unexpected consequences.

Chair: Tesfaye Ayele, PhD student in the CuEEd-LL research graduate school


1 February, 03:00-04:30 p.m

CCD working papers seminar
Hc229 (Gruvberger, HLK) och Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/64065009873

Ansökningsseminarium: CCD-medlemmar seminariebehandlar sina forskningsansökningar

Alla deltagare förväntas läsa ansökningarna i förväg. Vänligen kontakta Radu Dinu för att få texterna.

2 February, 10:00-11:30 a.m

CCD international seminar
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/66396707646

The Colour of Equality: Race and Common Humanity in Enlightenment Thought

Devin J. Vartija is assistant professor of history at Utrecht University and a former post-doctoral fellow at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales. In his talk he will present his lates book on the concept of race in enlightenment thought (https://www.pennpress.org/9780812253191/the-color-of-equality/). Enlightenment thinkers used physical features to categorize humanity into novel "racial" groups in a discourse that was imbued with Eurocentric aesthetic and moral judgments. Simultaneously, however, these very same thinkers politicized equality by putting it to new uses, such as a vitriolic denunciation of slavery and inhumane treatment that was grounded in the nascent philosophy of human rights. Vartija contends that the tension between Enlightenment ideas of race and equality can best be explained by these thinkers' attempt to provide a naturalistic account of humanity, including both our physical and moral attributes. Enlightenment racial classification fits into the novel inclusion of humanity in histories of nature, while the search for the origins of morality in social experience alone lent equality a normative authority it had not previously possessed.

15 February, 01:00-02:30 p.m

Joint CCD/CHILD seminar
Hc218 (HLK) and Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61067142285

Investigating disabilities in past, present and future societies

Lotta Vikström is Professor of History at Umeå University. She often makes use of demographic data and methods to examine disabled people in history, and has published her results in scholarly journals within the humanities, social sciences and health studies. Josefine Wälivaara (PhD in drama-theatre-film) is a Researcher at Umeå University. Her research in critical disability studies deals primarily with normative notions of (dis)ability, sexuality, gender, and temporality in popular culture and fiction. In their presentation, they will showcase their research project, DISTIME, highlighting its key aspects and findings. Focusing on Swedish society the project contributes knowledge on on what the future will bring regarding how disabilities are both lived and perceived. The project brings together a cross-diciplinary team researching disability across time using a diverse set of sources and methods. Some key results are highlighted at the seminar. First, Josefine Wälivaara presents her research on normativity, disability, and ability in fiction narratives about the future (e.g. in film, television and literature). While contemporary norms concerning disability often become perpetuated in speculative imaginings of the future, they can also challenge normative understanding of disability and ablebodiedness/ ablemindedness. Second, Lotta Vikström presents long-term results on how disabilities have affected the life courses of people with disabilities in the 1800s and 1900s. Their job and partnership chances and their risks for confinement and premature mortality suggest that disability brought disadvantages which persisted over time and concerned both health and social outcomes.

20 February, 10:00-12:00 p.m

HEEL seminar at Mid Sweden University
Zoom: https://miun-se.zoom.us/j/475291284?pwd=SFNmQUIvT0tRaHlDaVYrN3l5bzJVQT09#success

Most welcome to the first HEEL seminar of 2024. Anyone interested in issues of digital technology, learning and higher education might benefit from participating. This time, the theme is the application of digital technology as support for learning. The first presentation is from Jonas Pettersson, University West. He discusses physicians' use of social media as a tool for information search and support for informal learning. The second presentation is from Jönköping University. Ylva Lindberg, Anna-Lena Godhe and Maria Bäcke will discuss AI literacy and its role in language education. Questions? Please contact Associate Professor Jimmy Jaldemark via email: Jimmy.Jaldemark@miun.se


1 March, 10:30-12:00 noon

CCD working papers seminar (in Swedish)
Zoom: https://gu-se.zoom.us/j/66680008825

Simulatorstödd undervisning i yrkesutbildning. Digitaliseringens möjligheter för elevers lärande och utveckling av yrkeskunskaper (YRKSIM)

Projektet, som finansieras av Skolforskningsinstitutet, studerar hur gymnasial yrkesutbildning kan förbereda för ett framtida yrke präglat av intensiv teknikutveckling, krav på hållbarhet och innovation. Med lärmiljöer avses simulerade och autentiska miljöer i skola och på arbetsplats. YRKSIM genomförs i nära samverkan mellan forskare och lärare i naturbruksprogrammet där den simulerade lärmiljön består av digitala körsimulatorer. YRKSIMs syfte är att kritiskt granska identifierade möjligheter och utmaningar i samband med digitalisering av undervisning i relation till framtida yrkeskompetens samt att utveckla kunskap om hur lärande i en virtuell miljö kan bli meningsfull och relevant i en autentisk miljö. Projektet avser att kartlägga, pröva och utveckla undervisningsformer inom yrkesutbildning som är gynnsamma för att främja elevernas yrkeskompetens och anställningsbarhet. Parallellt med projektet och på grund av dess praktiknära karaktär synliggörs också former för hur ett systematiskt utvecklingsarbete kan skapa förutsättningar för framgångsrik undervisning och elevers lärande och kunskapsutveckling.

Susanne Gustavsson (projektledare) är universitetslektor med en doktorsexamen i pedagogik vid Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik, vid Göteborgs universitet. Susannes forskningsintresse handlar främst om undervisning och lärande inom yrkesutbildning, liksom inom yrkeslärarutbildning.

Giulia Messina Dahlberg (medverkande forskare) har en doktorsexamen i pedagogik och är universitetslektor på institutioner för pedagogik och specialpedagogik vid Göteborgs universitet. Hennes forskningsintressen fokuserar på studier av kommunikativa praktiker där individer navigerar genom olika uppgifter och verktyg, både inom och utanför institutionella utbildningsmiljöer och över gränserna mellan fysiska och digitala platser.

22 March 09:30-11:30 a.m

CCD international seminar
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63576309458

The contested politics of anti-racism in Spain and Portugal: reflections from Black and Roma struggles

Silvia Maeso (Principal Researcher, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra), Danielle Araújo (Post-doctoral researcher University of São Paulo/Collaborator Researcher CES) and Cayetano Fernández (PhD Candidate, University of Coimbra/Centre for Social Studies)

Antiracism is increasingly found at the center of legal and policy debates in Spain and Portugal, foregrounding competing understandings of this struggle. Inspired by Robin Kelley’s reflection on the American context and the Black struggles in higher education since the 1960s, in this seminar we propose to discuss the theorization of the vampirizing of antiracism as a transversal logic of control and prevention of autonomous radical anti-racist movements, often understood by the political establishment as disruptive initiatives. Since the 1990s, the strengthening of Black and Roma militants and organizations has been shaped by power relations with white-led progressive movements and parties. These power relations condition the agendas and, more importantly, the form of the struggle. The form of the struggle is not only defined by its proximity or distance to the State (Lentin, 2004) in terms of institutional and economic autonomy, but also in terms of cultural force and consciousness. This means that not all forms of struggle and resistance are framed by the logics of institutionalized politics and legislation. The seminar proposes to think of antiracism as an autonomous struggle for liberation that is, as a process of (self)love and collective healing against the historical continuum of dehumanizing and genocidal logics.

12 April, 10:30-12:00 noon

CCD working papers seminar (in Swedish)
Hc229 (Gruvberger, HLK) och Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/66449874466

Historieundervisning som främjar hantering och förståelse av historiska källor och framställningar

Anders Nersäter, doktor i pedagogik med inriktning mot didaktik och affilierad forskare vid CCD, presenterar sitt kommande forskningsprojekt. Syftet är att pröva och undersöka design av undervisning som kan stödja lärares arbete med att utveckla elevers förmåga att på ett funktionellt sätt hantera historiska källor och historiska framställningar. Tidigare forskning har visat att en stor andel elever har svårigheter att hantera dessa två centrala dimensioner av historieämnet, samtidigt som forskningen även visar att en stor andel lärare upplever utmaningar i att undervisa om historiska källor och historiska framställningar. Teoretiskt utgår projektet från historical literacy (Lee, 2011) där fokus är att historiska fenomen ska kunna hanteras på ett funktionellt sätt i relation till den egna samtiden. En grundförutsättning för detta är en kvalitativ förståelse för hur historisk kunskap skapas och valideras.

De undervisningsdesigner som vi avser att ta fram inom projektet syftar till att öka elevernas möjlighet att hantera källor och framställningar på ett funktionellt sätt. Projektet genomförs i form av deltagarorienterad designforskning – Learning Study – där lärare och forskare samverkar med att ta fram en undervisningsdesign som prövas, utvärderas och revideras i tre cykler på två gymnasieskolor. Den utsträckning i vilken elevernas förståelse för dessa förmågor förändras efter interventionernas genomförande undersöks genom för- och efter-tester.


6 September, 10:30-12:00 a.m

CCD international seminar
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/62802970001

What do we still call a ‘masterpiece’? A statistical conclusion on the role of the canon

Voica Pușcașiu PhD, is a lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Art History at Babeș-Bolyai University. In her research she focuses on a sociological approach to art as well as on collective memory and methods of Digital Art History. The theme of this seminar started from a survey over what people call a ‘masterpiece’. The over 200 respondents were fine art and art history students and scholars from two Cluj-Napoca universities and they were all asked to name 3 to 5 works of art which they would consider masterpieces. The artworks could belong to any style or medium of the visual arts. Expanding and challenging the cannon is – at least in theory – a common practice (Hessel, 2022; Danto, 1995Broude & Gerrard, 1996; etc. ) and it is, more often than not the declaration of most lecturers interviewed during this survey. And yet the canon provides structure and safety (Langfeld, 2018) and is both a form of cultural memory (Assmann, 2010) and a generator of further collective memories. The results of this survey further prove, that at least in using the term ‘masterpiece’ the classical art historical cannon was being upheld as the range of artworks mentioned is particularly limited.

20 September, 10:30-12:00 a.m

CCD international seminar
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/64383817360

The Development of Schoolscapes as a Focus within Linguistic Landscape Research

Roswita Dressler is an educational linguistic who examines pre-service and in-service teachers’ understandings of second language teaching and learning. Since many second language teachers in Canada entered teacher education not initially intending to be second language teachers, how they come to understand their role and the pedagogy involved draws on their linguistic identity, the ways in which second language teachers are educated and how second languages are seen in the Canadian context. This has international implications as Canada is often turned to as a leader in second language education based on the history of the world-renowned French Immersion program. Dr. Dressler is an Associate Professor in the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.

This talk examines the development of schoolscapes as a focus within linguistic landscape research. Drawing upon her own work (e.g., Dressler, 2015; Dressler & Hult, 2024; Liu & Dressler, forthcoming) as well as the work of others (e.g., Biró, 2017; Brown, 2012; Szabó, 2015), Dr. Dressler provides an overview of schoolscapes research and two turns: one pedagogical; one exterior. The focus on pedagogical interventions has received considerable attention (Gorter & Cenoz, 2024), whereas the exteriors of schoolscapes are underrepresented (see Cormier, 2020; Symes, 2020). However, the latter holds promise for highlighting how schoolscapes live within and are sometimes in contrast to, the linguistic landscapes around them. Drawing upon nexus analysis (Scollon & Scollon, 2014), Dr. Dressler highlights how schoolscapes are environments populated by specific individuals, functioning according to specific routines, and home to unique discourses. Their unique positioning within neighbourhoods sheds light on their contributions to the ecology of languages in neighbourhoods.

24 September, 03:00-04:30 p.m

CCD international seminar
Hc229 and Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61149233393

Teaching Histories of Colonialism & Futures of Democracy

Dr. Abigail Branford, a researcher and lecturer at the University of Oxford, is visiting the School of Education and Communication as a guest lecturer, supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. She holds an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Education and lectures in the African Studies Centre. Her work focuses on post-conflict and post-colonial history education as well as the political attitudes of young people. In this talk, she will draw together her previous research on how students in England understand the British Empire, the new questions which emerged from this work and her latest project exploring the way in which some young people have become disillusioned not only with political leaders, but the very idea of democracy itself. She argues that classroom narratives of development, authoritarianism and colonialism can illuminate aspects of the weakening support for democracy among young people. This urges us to take a critical look at what ideas about democracy are being imparted in our classrooms.


18 October, 09:00 am-1:00 pm

CCD half-day retreat & lunch

Mariedal and zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/mariabacke


9.00-10.30 Presentation of guests, CCD members and research

10.30-12.00 Ongoing or upcoming research applications

18 October, 01:00-02:20 pm

CCD international seminar
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67843537479

Disability - a category for historical learning and thinking?

Prof. Sebastian Barsch, a History Education professor at the University of Cologne in Germany, will address the challenge of promoting historical thinking beyond conventional master narratives in the wake of global inequalities and increasingly global crises. It is increasingly important to critically question majority views and to make the diversity that actually exists in society fruitful for historical learning. Using disability history as an example, history teaching is faced with the challenge of arguing with categories of social order in order to question the validity of these social orders. In other words, a history lesson that deals with the exclusion and integration of individual groups engages in othering even as it seeks to overcome it. The talk will explore these tensions and also consider the extent to which disability can be the subject of historical learning, and the extent to which the presence of disabled students has an impact on the design of history teaching.

Spring 2023


Jan 23, 3-5 p.m. 

CCD Working Papers/Internal seminar series

Maria Rossall, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden

Welcome to Maria Rossalls planning seminar in education (in Swedish) with the title "I skuggan av det kompetenta barnet".

Abstract: Det kompetenta barnet har varit en framträdande tankefigur i svensk förskola sedan 1980-90 talen, med barndomssociologins framväxt och inflytande från Reggio Emilia filosofin. Det är en tankefigur om barnet som blev viktig i samband med en förskjutning från ett perspektiv av barnet som naturvarelse till kulturvarelse, där barns biologiska egenskaper ’bakgrundas’ för att istället ’förgrunda’ idén att barnets tillblivelse är något som sker inom en social kontext. I stället för att se barn som tomma kärl som ska fyllas av vuxnas kunskap, har barns kunskaper och kompetenser blivit mer framträdande. Det har resulterat i olika synsätt på barn, å ena sidan barn med bristande kunskaper som ofta kopplas till ett utvecklingspsykologiskt perspektiv, å andra sidan att barn redan har färdiga kompetenser som ofta kopplas till ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Jag har själv funderat på vad denna barnsyn innebär i mötet med barn. I min yrkesroll som förskollärare upplever jag att kollegor möter barn antingen ifrån ett kompetensperspektiv eller ett bristperspektiv.

Syftet med denna avhandling är att utforska och problematisera hur barns kompetens positioneras och manifesteras inom förskolans styrning och utbildning, med fokus på förskolans förutsättningar och lärarnas undervisningspraktiker.

Min övergripande forskningsfråga är: Hur manifesteras kompetens i förskolan? Avhandlingen kommer att innehålla fyra olika studier som undersöker kompetens utifrån olika metoder och nivåer. Delstudie 1 och 2 kommer att fokusera på litteraturanalyser, den första baserat på förskolans styr- och policydokument – den gråa litteraturen med fokus på barns kompetens. Delstudie 2 är en systematisk litteraturanalys på den forskning som finns om kompetens i förskolan och var forskningen koncentreras: barnen, vuxna eller andra områden såsom exempelvis läroplanen för förskolan. Delstudie 3 kommer att vara en praktiknära observationsstudie och fokussamtal kring förskollärarnas praktiker med avstamp i teorier kring sociala praktiker. Delstudie 4 är fortfarande under utveckling.

Room: Hc213, HLK


Jan 27, 2-4.30 p.m.

CCD Working Papers/Internal seminar series

2-3 p.m. Andrea Atterström, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden CANCELLED!

Title of article: "Methodological experiences and ethical considerations from email-based interviews with young students having severe speech and physical impairment." The seminar will be held online. Please send Andrea an e-mail (andrea.atterstrom@ju.se) to receive the text.

Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67906290743

3.00 - 4.30 p.m. Radu Dinu & Frida Wikström, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden Title of planned research project: "Contesting deafness: Medicalisation, Normalisation and Deaf Identity in Post-War Sweden".

Discussant: Prof. Patrick Kermit (NTNU Trondheim)
Please send Radu and email (radu.dinu@ju.se) to receive the text.

The seminar will be hybrid: Ha229 (Gruvberger), School of Eduaction and Communication, and zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67906290743


Jan 30, 12.30 p.m. to Jan 31 4.30 p.m.

CCD Retreat, Mariedal

Monday, Jan 30

12.30-1.30 p.m. Lunch & kick-off

1.30-3.00 p.m. MOUs, Research Professional with Linda Olsson (bring your computers!), and other current issues

3.00-3.30 p.m. Coffee

3.30-5.00 p.m. Current situation regarding applications and writing

18.00 Dinner at Liban Deli

Tuesday, Jan 31

8.30-9.30 a.m. Breakfast

9.30-10 a.m. Publishing strategies from an HLK/CCD perspective: Ylva Lindberg (hybrid seminar, please contact maria.backe@ju.se if you wish to attend)

10-11 a.m. Publishing strategies from a university library perspective: Stefan Carlstein (hybrid seminar, please contact maria.backe@ju.se if you wish to attend)

11 a.m.-noon Workshop on the 2023 CCD publishing strategy

Noon-1 p.m. Lunch

1-3 p.m. Applications and writing

3-3.30 p.m. Coffee

3.30-4.30 p.m. How do we continue from here?


Feb 1, 2-4 p.m.

Humanistiskt forum - Humanities forum

Röd tro: kulturhistoriska perspektiv på socialism
Stefan Arvidsson, professor i religionsvetenskap vid Linnéuniversitet, talar om kulturhistoriska perspektiv på moderna politiska ideologier, religioner och kommersiella föreställningar och presenterar sin nyutkomna bok Röd tro: socialistisk livsåskådning och religion under tvåhundra år.
Seminariet kommer att genomföras på plats i sal Ha208 på HLK med möjlighet att delta på Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/64172795332



30 March, 01:00-04:00 p.m

DoIT seminar (in Swedish)
Fellingsbro Folkhögskola Klerkgatan 16, Örebro och digitalt via Zoom

Folkbildningens nutida och framtida förutsättningar, en bildningsresa för fler, ska alla med?

Mötet inleds med en introduktion till DoIT av Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Jönköping University, Birgitta Johansen, Örebro läns museum, och Petra Weckström, Riksteatern.

Därefter kommer Fellingsbro folkhögskola genom individuella presentationer visualisera och berätta om hur vi i vardagen uppfyller statens syften med folkbildningen utifrån de kurser och deltagare som befolkar skolan.

Inspiratörer från Fellingsbro Folkhögskola:

Rektor Torkel Freed samt biträdande rektorer: Britta Nordqvist, Patrik Bergman, Mattias Ekström och Anita Thorsberg, samt lärare, kursföreståndare och deltagare (studerande).

Frågor som berörs är: Vilka utmaningar har vi att ta hänsyn till? Svårigheter? Möjligheter? Hur och när ser vi att vi lyckas?

Anmäl dig via DoIT:s webbsida senast den 23 mars. Ange om du behöver teckenspråkstolk. (Tolkar mellan svenskt teckenspråk och talad svenska finns.)

31 March, 10:00-12:00 a.m

CCD international seminar series
Zoom-link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/62573520810

Accessibility in qualitative research - Perspectives research with people with so-called intellectual disabilities

This lecture focuses on the question of how qualitative interview situations can be designed in such a way that it also offers people with low linguistic competence in the researching language (e.g. due to a so-called intellectual disability or other language barriers) the opportunity to open up insights into their lifeworld.

The author, Imke Niediek, University of Hannover, advocates offering a variety of methods and materials and, in the sense of qualitative methodology, engaging with the focal points of the interview partners instead of giving too much space to the interview guideline. Finally, participants will discuss the significance of the dominance of a verbally organised social world ("verbal culture") for research and for the participation or exclusion in research.

Chair: Maria Bäcke


21 April, 10:00-12:00 a.m

CCD international seminar series
Zoom-link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61989271042

Investigating deaf cultural heritage. Discussing methodology for the Deaf Cinema project

Magdalena Zdrodowska, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

Since the beginning of the film, deaf filmmakers have been documenting their communities’ activities, trying to shape the image of the deaf condition (often in opposition to disability), and express their own artistic visions. Due to the social, cultural, and political status of the deaf communities, deaf films were mostly produced, distributed, and watched in closed circuits of deaf networks. Today, it makes the research of the history and contemporaneity of deaf filmmaking difficult and inaccessible within a single methodological paradigm. During the seminar, we will discuss both methodological and technological tools that can be used when deaf studies, disability studies, film studies, and film history intersect. We will also consider the researcher-as-an-ally model present in disability studies, and how to balance the profit of the researcher and of the community when investigating outside the English-speaking domain.

Chair: Radu Harald Dinu. Contact him (radu.dinu@ju.se) latest on April 7 if you need a sign language interpreter.

24 April, 03:30-05:00 p.m

The Humanities Forum
Hc229, HLK och digitalt via Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/64593642870

Hur slutar vi frukta data?

Linus Wallin, squad lead och dataingenjör för ett team i AI Lab på Husqvarna, lyfter fram sina iakttagelser om hur etiska och moraliska dilemman kring data hanteras.


25 May, 02:00-03:00 p.m

CCD working papers seminar
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/66289393634

Teologi för en postkristen tid

Vilken roll har teologin, läran eller talet om det gudomliga, i ett samhälle där allt färre bekänner sig till en tro och sekulariseringen slagit över i ett postkristet tillstånd? Vilka möjligheter för teologiskt tänkande genereras i en sådan situation och på vilket sätt kan teologin bidra med ”sitt perspektiv genom att delta i en bredare och gemensam tydning av samtiden”? Seminariet utgår från antologin Teologi för en postkristen tid som kom tidigare i år och gästas av redaktörer och bidragsförfattare till antologin.

Mårten Björk, doktor i religionsvetenskap med inrikting mot tros- och livsåskådningsvetenskap (Lunds Universitet)
Peter Karlsson, universitetslektor i religionsvetenskap (Jönköping University)
Mattias Martinson, professor i systematisk teologi med livsåskådningsforskning (Uppsala Universitet)

Introduktionskapitlet och förordet skickas ut av Peter.Carlsson@ju.se på begäran.

31 May, 01:00-02:30 p.m

The Humanities Forum
Ha208, HLK and Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61234039884

The social embeddedness of the human sciences

Linus Salö is Associate Professor at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism (Stockholm University). He works within the Vinnova-funded knowledge platform Making Universities Matter and is co-director of Humtank, a national think tank for the humanities. His talk will center on the social embeddedness of the human sciences with a view
to accounting for the impact of the humanities on society at large.


28 August, 01:00-02:30 p.m

CCD international seminars
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/69424024018

The Disability Rights Movement in Sweden

Anna Derksen is a researcher specialised in 20th century Nordic and Scandinavian history, disability and eugenics, as well as experiences of welfare and social policy interventions. During her forthcoming presentation, she will delve into her extensive research on the disability rights movement in Sweden spanning from the 1960s onwards.
Chair: Radu Dinu


6 October, 09:30-11:00 a.m

CCD working papers seminar (in Swedish)
Ha229 (Gruvberger, HLK) och Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63774131358

Att bemöta antisemitism i svensk skolmiljö

Jennie Karlsson är doktorand vid Segerstedtinstitutet och Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande, vid Göteborgs universitet och presenterar sin avhandlingsarbete om antisemitism och hur den förstås, uttrycks och bemöts i svensk skolmiljö.
Chair: Radu Dinu

27 October, 10:15 a.m. - 12 noon

Foundations of Nexus Analysis: An Integrated Framework for Ethnographic Discourse Analysis of Complex Social Phenomena across Disciplines

Malmö University | Orkanen | Room B338

Francis M. Hult works at the crossroads of discourse studies, sociolinguistics, and education. He is known for his socially situated research on policy using nexus analysis. Professor Hult has written extensively on theoretical and methodological principles of nexus analysis and their application to investigating relationships between policy and practice. His books include Research Methods in Language Policy and Planning (with Johnson) and Language Policy and Language Acquisition Planning (with Siiner and Kupisch). He is Professor of Education and by courtesy of Language, Literature, and Culture and of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

Developed by Scollon and Scollon (2004), nexus analysis is a conceptual and methodological framework that systematically integrates interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, and critical discourse analysis as a way to investigate phenomena as social systems, including relationships between individuals and those systems. It has proven ideally suited for gathering and analyzing data that are multilingual, multitemporal, and multimodal (e.g., Al Zidjaly, 2006; Pietikäinen, 2010) yet it is only beginning to gain broader application.

This talk presents nexus analysis as a meta-methodology for addressing contemporary research topics. Drawing upon his own work (e.g., Hult, 2015, 2017, 2019) as well as the work of others who have employed this approach (e.g., Compton, 2013; Lane, 2010, Pietikäinen, 2010), Professor Francis M. Hult provides an introduction to the principles of nexus analysis and demonstrate how they serve to highlight relevant factors that mediate social practices and, in turn, aid in tracing how those factors are influenced by discursive processes on multiple scales of society. In particular, he focuses on (a) key concepts of nexus analysis, (b) ways in which nexus analysis can guide critical thinking about data collection and analysis, and (c) practical benefits and challenges of applying nexus analysis.

While nexus analysis combines elements of critical discourse analysis, ethnography of communication, and interactional sociolinguistics, it is more than the sum of these parts, offering a novel and holistic empirical perspective for addressing multidimensional research questions in a range of fields and disciplines. This session will be of interest to anyone whose research seeks to understand relationships between individuals and the bigger picture of a socially situated phenomenon.


10 November, 10:00-11:30 a.m

CCD international seminars
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/64544088427

Decolonizing European Sociology

Manuela Boatcă is Professor of Sociology and Head of School of the Global Studies Programme at the University of Freiburg, Germany. During her presentation, she will delve into the crucial topic of decolonizing European Sociology. With a keen focus on the exploration of the challenges posed by the decolonization of the discipline, this presentation promises to shed light on critical issues shaping the future of sociology.
Chair: Tobias Samuelsson

17 November, 10:00-11:30 a.m

CCD international seminars
Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61397452875

Expanding the Kodak Zone: Vernacular Photography and Imperial Encounter in the Philippine-American War

Silvan Neidermeier is senior lecturer at the University of Erfurt (Germany). In his talk he discusses the multifold uses of vernacular photography in the Philippine-American War (1899-1902). Based on private photographs created by white and Black U.S. soldiers as well as Philippine revolutionaries, it will show that vernacular photography provided a means for both reifying white imperial subject position and substantiating non-white and anti-imperial subject positions. Rather than acting as a unilateral “tool of empire” (Paul S. Landau), vernacular photography enabled historical actors to place themselves in and support narratives of white imperial conquest, Black military self-affirmation and Philippine anti-colonial nation building. A close reading of vernacular photographs of the Philippine-American War thus allows reconstructing both the hegemonic and counter-hegemonic function of photography in the age of imperialism.
Chair: Radu Dinu

24 November, 10:00-11:30 a.m

CCD working papers seminar
Zoom: https:/


‘Part of Prophecy’: Christian Zionism, Dispensationalism, Time

Aron Engberg is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at the School of Education and Communication: He holds a PhD in Global Christianity and Interreligious Relations. In his talk, he will discuss the affinity of pro-Zionist evangelical Christianity for the land and state of Israel, considering Protestant Christianity's historical ambivalence towards materiality and sacred locality. To these evangelical Christians, Israel is both a place of biblically inflected memory—the “land of the Bible” where Jesus historically walked—and the prime locus of a premillennial eschatological imaginary, the place Jesus will return to in the (near) future. This chapter draws on ethnographic research among Evangelical Christians in Jerusalem to explore how Christian Zionism structures Evangelical temporality. I argue first that the Evangelical “cosmology of land” significantly shapes their phenomenological experience of time and place in Israel, and secondly, that Evangelical Zionist temporality is more elastic and flexible than previously recognized, despites its premillennial leanings. This suggests that the scholarly focus on a “punctuated” dispensationalist time and a simple ‘prophecy-as-prediction’ formula needs to give way to a broader exploration of the Christian Zionist time-scape, and the ways in which it interacts with place and divine presence.

All seminar participants are required to read the paper in advance of the event. Please reach out to Aron Engberg at aron.engberg@ju.se for a copy of the paper.
Chair: Peter Karlsson

27 November, 01:15-03:00 p.m

CCD working papers seminar (in Swedish)
Zoom: https://mau-se.zoom.us/j/64538502210 

Transformativt lärande och kulturellt möjliggörande litteraturundervisning på gymnasiet

Björn Bradling, doktorand i pedagogik, presenterar sin avhandling som fokuserar möjliga vägar att i undervisning konkretisera gymnasieskolans styrdokuments utpekande av skönlitteratur som bärare av möjligheter till lärande som fokuserar personlig utveckling och omvärldskunskap. Med teoretiskt stöd i den pedagogiska idéen om transformativt lärande, vilken fokuserar synliggörande och eventuell omformning av (o)uttalade föreställningar, bygger projektet på studier om skönlitterär läsning och lärande genomförda med lärare, bibliotekarier och elever i gymnasieskolan. Resultatmässiga mönster i vardande pekar i riktning mot att den valda texten sätter yttre ramar för vad som är möjligt i undervisningssituationen, men att kontextualisering och begreppsanvändning är av central betydelse för att lärandet ska kunna bli transformativt och kulturellt möjliggörande.
Chair: Anette Svensson

7 December, 04:30-05:30 p.m

The UMBC Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Program Presents a Virtual Session.

Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Universal Design for Learning

This talk will look at one type of diversity that can be found in every classroom: Neurodiversity, i.e. the diversity in cognitive processing.
Using the neurodiversity paradigm, we start from a perspective that values this diversity, and that acknowledges the challenges that arise when people of a minority neurotype have to deal with environments and activities that were tailored to the needs of neurotypical people.

I will discuss how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can help make classrooms and classroom tasks more accessible for learners of different neurotypes, focusing especially on providing options for sustaining effort and persistence, for self-regulation and for executive function.

Throughout, I will draw on the voices of neurodivergent learners, former learners, and educational experts, including interviews from the ELLeN project, to illustrate the points made and also to show the breadth of experiences and opinions within the neurodiversity community.

Dr. Jules Buedgens-Kosten is a teacher educator and researcher at Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany) and a Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at UMBC. Their primary research focuses on inclusive education in the EFL context, including with a focus on technology, and on computer-assisted language learning, especially from a multilingual lens. They are part of the ELLeN project, which uses inquiry-based learning in teacher education focusing on neurodiversity. and language learning.

Free Registration
Free registration by completing this form.

8 December, 10:30-12:00 a.m

CCD international seminars
Hc229 (Gruvberger, HLK) and Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61288774852 

The French Revolution and religious change through the lens of social emergence theory

Manuel Stadler is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Religious Studies, Leipzig University (Germany). During his presentation, he will delve into the French Revolution through the lens of social emergence theory. The French Revolution is often interpreted as the founding event of the modern secular nation-state, built up upon the guiding principle of laïcité, a strict form of separation between the church and the state, which is generally misunderstood as a categoric split between religion and politics. The religious politics during the French Revolution had a significant impact on the perception of history as the unfolding of reason and rationality, leading to the construction of a perfect society based on natural laws. In this talk Stadler wants to challenge the classical narrative of the French Revolution as a process of secularization and instead use a Durkheimian emergence theory approach to interpret the empirical sources. Emergence theory presupposes that society is more than the sum of rational acting individuals but can be described through concepts of collective psychology. To operationalize emergence theory, he will focus on empirical sources stemming from the period of the French Revolution, uncovering changes in power relations and social structures. The aim of his presentation is to use religion as a heuristic concept to explain how the change of power relations is connected to the emergence of new forms of collective memory.
Discussant: Peter Karlsson

14 December 01:00-02:30 p.m

CCD working papers seminar
Zoom: https://gu-se.zoom.us/j/7050757016

Högstadielevers upplevelser av att öva muntlig språkfärdighet på målspråket med konversationsagenter

Elin Ericsson, fil. doktor i tillämpad informationsteknologi med inriktning mot utbildningsvetenskap, presenterar sin nyligen försvarade avhandling. Den handlar om AI-baserade dialogsystem som möjliggör muntliga konversationsövningar i verklighetsnära situationer för elever att öva på det språk de studerar. De genomförda praktiknära studierna har en utgångspunkt i etablerade andraspråkinlärningsprinciper såsom att lärande sker i social interaktion med möjlighet till att använda språket i en trygg miljö och att få feedback. Resultaten visar att elevernas självrapporterade upplevelser varierade mycket kring hur de socialt relaterade till konversationsagenterna, med allt från ingen relation alls till att uppleva dem som mänskliga och aktivt deltagande i social interaktion. Denna sociala dimensionen visade sig vara viktig för den sammanlagda utbildningsupplevelsen. Lärare behöver därför ha kännedom om de olika faktorerna bakom de stora individuella skillnaderna i elevernas upplevelser som påverkar den sammanlagda utbildningsupplevelsen i dialogsystemet med konversationsagenterna. Överlag upplevdes lärandeaktiviteten som lätt, rolig och trygg för att på ett meningsfullt sätt öva på att hålla igång en dialog och öva uttal på målspråket, som komplement till andra metoder.
Chair: Ylva Lindberg

Spring 2022

January 28, 10 a.m. - 12 noon

CCD international seminar series

Tsitsi Chataika, Department of Educational Foundations, University of Zimbabwe

Title: Capitalising on Lessons Learnt from the COVID-19 Crisis: Increasing Access to Education to Learners with Disabilities in Africa

COVID-19 has disrupted education systems on a global scale, creating unexpected challenges. Approximately 1.6 billion children around the world have been unable to attend school due to COVID-19 lockdowns, with schools required to make rapid adjustments in the move to online teaching and learning. As African countries worked toward managing learning continuity, learners with disabilities seemed to have been further marginalised. However, the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have presented a unique opportunity to re-think emergency planning for accessible and inclusive education. This presentation examines the challenges faced by learners with disabilities in accessing education during COVID-19 induced lockdown in Africa. It also proffers strategies that can be adopted to make education more disability inclusive.

Chair: Maria Bäcke, CCD, Jönköping University


February 18, 2 - 4 p.m. (NB: NEW DATE!)

PraSK Seminar series

Ted Schatzki, Department of Philosophy, University of Kentucky

Title: The Trajectories of a Life

This presentation combines a phenomenological account of life trajectories with a practice theory approach to the social contexts in which life trajectories occur to illuminate key features of the phenomena studied by life course research. The discussion construes life trajectories, not as the events and transitions that make up the progress of life in specific life domains, but as central dimensions of a life qua continually unfolding entity. It subjects three types of trajectories so construed to analysis: space-time paths, successions of actions, and past-future arcs. It then explores the contextualization of such trajectories in constellations of social practices. The presentation concludes by situating life and its trajectories in the causal order of society and reflecting on the advantages of using theories of practices in this context.


March 17 (2-4 p.m.)

Humanistic Forum

Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback, Professor of Philosophy at Södertörns Högskola

Title: Att tänka i skisser (in Swedish)

Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback pratar om relationen mellan filosofi och konst. Hur är begreppet och bilden förbundna med varandra och hur förhåller sig tänkandet - bildens och begreppets - till verkligheten?


March 25 (10 a.m. - 12 noon)

CCD international seminar series

Anamik Saha, Media, Communication, and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths University of London

Title: Rethinking ‘Diversity’ in the cultural industries
While the ‘diversity’ paradigm is shaping policy across public and public sectors in Western contexts, it is particularly pronounced in the creative and cultural industries. In the UK, such industries have long been aware of, to paraphrase former BBC Director General Greg Dyke, their hideous whiteness. As a consequence, a plethora of initiatives have been launched to improve the racial and ethnic composition of the cultural workforce. Yet such initiatives are having little impact on the representation of racially minoritised groups, whether on- or off-screen. In this paper, drawing from my research into the experiences of Black, Asian and racialised people who work in British cultural industries, I highlight the limitations of diversity policies. But rather than a case of such policies/initiatives not working, I argue that diversity as a discourse - that is, a form of power/knowledge - is the means through which existing social hierarchies (and racial inequalities) remain intact.

Chair: Maria Bäcke, CCD, Jönköping University


March 30 (10 a.m. - 12 noon)

CCD international seminar series

Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza, Professor of Language Education at the University of São Paulo, Brazil

Title: Navigating difference in language, literature and literacy

This seminar will focus on difference as a construct of self and how a non-understanding of this can lead to a perception of difference as an external characteristic only of others. The seminar will focus on how ‘difference’ in dealing with others can be better understood as 'gaps' in one’s knowledge which need to be navigated. Examples from language, literature and literacy will be discussed.

Besides Language Education Professor Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza's research interests lie in language and educational policy and politics, literacy, literary theory and interculturality. His recent publications include ‘De-universalizing the Decolonial’ (in Gragoatá 2021) and 'Glocal Languages and Critical Intercultural Awareness: The South Answers Back' (Routledge 2019). He currently co-coordinates the bi-national (Brazil-South África) research group Rethinking Multilingualism and Being Human.


Cusicanqui, S. (2019) Ch'ixinakax Utxiwa: On practices and discourses of decolonization.

Jullien, F. (2021) There is no such thing as cultural identity.

Nascimento, G. & Windle, J. (2021) The Unmarked Whiteness of Brazilian Linguistics: From Black-as-Theme to Black-as-Life.

Souza, L.M.T.M (2002) A Case among Cases, A World among Worlds: The Ecology of Writing among the Kashinawa in Brazil.

April 1 (1-3 p.m.)

DoIT seminar series

Lynn Mario de Souza, Professor of Language Education at the University of São Paulo, Brazil

Title: Learning from the Anaconda: rethinking sameness, difference, and other-than-humanity

Place: Riksteatern, Hallunda, and digitally

Languages: English, Swedish sign language interpretation


13.00 Presentation of DoIT and inspirator Lynn Mario de Souza

13.15-14 This DoIT meeting looks at ways of seeing the world from non-western/non-northern/non-mainstream ie from alternative perspectives. More specifically this DoIT meeting will focus on indigenous cultures that consider diversity as the essence of life.

14-14.45 Joint reflection

14.45-15.15 Conclusion and information about the GoPar conference

Lynn Mario T.M. de Souza is full professor of English at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. His recent publications include: Glocal Languages and Critical Intercultural Awareness (2019, co-edited with M. Guilherme), ‘Decolonial Pedagogies’ (2019 Multilingual Margins), ‘De-universalizing the Decolonial’ (2021 with A. Duboc, Gragoatá).

Lynn Mario is a member of the editorial committees of the International journals Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education and Visual Communication. He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Centre for Multilingualism, Oslo University, Norway and CCD’s third national research school CuEEd-LL at Jönköping University, Sweden. He is Co-Coordinator of the International Project: Think Tank: Rethinking Multilingualism and being Human, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.

April 27-29, 2022


The 2022 GoPar Conference

Going beyond binary thinking: Dialogues for participation, communication and equity in contemporary societies

Between 27-29 April 2022 Jönköping University in Sweden will host the GoPar conference, an international event that aims to bring together academics and professional actors across sectors from across the world and Sweden to dialogue on issues of participation, communication and equity in contemporary societies. The Communication, Culture and Diversity (CCD) research environment (www.ju.se/ccd) and the Participation and Inclusion Think-Tank DoIT (www.ju.se/ccd/doit) are the organizers of the GoPar conference. The event will take place online, and will consist of workshops, panel discussions and keynote presentations.

More information can be found here: GoPar Conference website

May 3, 11 - 12 p.m.

CCD Working Papers/Internal seminar series

11 a.m.-12 noon. Karin Ingeson, HLK

Zoom link:


May 5, 13 -14 p.m.

1-2 p.m. Stina-Karin Skillermark, HLK

Artikelutkastet Äldre litterära verk som litteraturserier. Om att skapa och omskapa mening med utgångspunkt i Lysistrate och En herrgårdssägensom skickas ut av susanne.smithberger@ju.se på begäran.

Zoom link:

May 5-6


1st Exploratory Workshop on Ethics and Values in Educational Data-Driven Practices

Venue: VIA University College, Århus, Denmark

The project “Ethics and Values in educational data-driven practices: Conceptual, Methodological and Pragmatic Explorations” funded by the Swedish Vetenskapsrådet aims to explore useful concepts, methods, and interventions for researching ethics and values in data-driven education. It will consist of a blend of keynote presentations, paper presentations, and discussions among participants.

We have singled out a range of concepts that will be central for exploring ethics and values in educational data-driven practices. These are – but are not limited to: practices, care, imaginaries/imagination, aesthetics, and Bildung. The overall research question guiding the workshop is: Which concepts and notions support nuanced discussions about values reflected in emerging educational sociotechnical imaginaries?

More information: https://sites.google.com/view/1stexploratoryworkshop/home?authuser=0

May 20, 1 - 3 p.m. 

CCD international Seminar series

Peter De Costa, Department of Linguistics, Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages, Michigan State University (MSU)

Title: Unpacking Profit and Pride in EMI Higher Education: How Universities Manage this Precarious Balancing Act

In a neoliberal era marked by a global expansion of higher education, many Western based universities aggressively opened EMI satellite campuses in Asia and the Middle East. Inspired by profit and the need to chase the foreign tuition dollar, such expansionary efforts have met with different degrees of success. However, as world economic growth starts to recede and nationalist sentiments rise, we have witnessed a curtailing, and in some cases withdrawal, of these transnational endeavours. Adopting an ecological approach (Han, De Costa & Cui, 2019) to better understand this educational phenomenon, I investigate how English monolingual biases and an emergent interest and pride in local languages within several countries that have hosted joint venture foreign campuses have been negotiated. Specifically, I explore the ways in which different social actors – students, faculty and administrators – engage in complex identity work that often results in individuals being sorted and sieved according to the various levels of capital that they possess. These actors’ strategic policy and pedagogical decisions will also be unpacked against mounting internal pressures by governments to raise the standards of local universities in the face of stiff global university ranking competition.


Biography: Peter I. De Costa is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages & Cultures and the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. His research areas include emotions, identity, ideology and ethics in educational linguistics. He also studies social (in)justice issues. He is the co-editor of TESOL Quarterly and the First Vice-President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL).

Please contact Susannne Smithberger (susanne.smithberger@ju.se) for reading.

Chair: Maria Bäcke, CCD, Jönköping University

May 30, 2 - 5 p.m.

CCD Working Papers/Internal seminar series

Title: Short Presentations and Invitation to Dialogue

This internal seminar series event is aimed at all CCD members – new and old – to come and talk about research interests and listen to what other members are doing. The hybrid event will be both in English and in Swedish.


Autumn 2022

Sep 23, 10 a.m.-12 noon

CCD Working Papers/Internal seminar series

Sylvi Vigmo, Department of Education, Communication and Learning, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Title: Erasmus+ applications

A introduction to Erasmus+ and what to think about when applying for funding.

Sylvi Vigmo's presentation: Erasmus+ pptx.pptx

The 2022 Erasmus+ Programme Guide: 2022-erasmusplus-programme-guide-v2_en.pdf

Sep 26-27

CCD international seminar series

Sep 26, 9.05-10.35 a.m.: Lourdes Ortega, Faculty Director of GU’s Initiative for Multilingual Studies, Georgetown University, U.S.

Title: Southern and Decolonial Turns in Applied Linguistics

(Lecture 9.05-10.05 a.m. + discussion 10.05-10.35 a.m.)

Abstract: Southern and Decolonial Turns in Applied Linguistics
Applied linguists have engaged in revisionist and critical work (e.g., the social and the
multilingual “turns”) for three decades. Most critiques, however, continue to be rooted and oriented towards Eurocentric ideas, and many still remain bound to modernist and
postpositivist intellectual traditions. As of recently, we have seen a steady increase in
explorations of alternative ontologies and voices/identities, in what could be viewed as
aspirational new "turns" guided by the two central notions of Southern epistemologies and decolonial theories. Why do we need any Southern/decolonial turns in the field? Here one can think of ontological erasures and epistemic injustices that need to be disrupted. For example, in my field of second language acquisition (SLA), we researchers have become virtuosi of research methods and open science values, which on the other hand has only made us become even more proficient in methodologies devoid of any interrogation of race/racism. What strategies might we devise to de-link ourselves from Western Modernity, if that is even possible, and what strategies can make decolonizing efforts have a lasting impact? Here it is important (a) to educate oneself in the different genealogies and distinct commitments of circulating concepts (e.g., intersectionality versus assemblages; endangered languages vs. sleeping languages; etc); (b) to learn to cultivate epistemic disobedience (Mignolo), refuse abyssal thinking (de Sousa Santos), and engage in world-traveling (Lugones) and in-betweenness (Bhabha); and (c) to force ourselves to unpack the whiteness embodied in our research habitus and the coloniality wedded in our disciplinary commitments and our conceptualizations of Self, Other, authority, and truth.
I discuss dilemmas surrounding these questions, with most of my examples drawn from the field I know best, SLA. I conclude by reflecting on the rewards and challenges that await us, if we are finally willing to unlearn our settler colonial ways of relating and
understanding, and we attend to how to integrate meaningful subjectivities of difference into explanations of language learning, social practices, and systems of oppression.

Sep 26, 1-3 p.m.: Stefan Helgesson, Department of English, Stockholm University, Sweden

Title: North-South and South-South Intellectual Legacies

(Lecture 1-2 p.m. + discussion 2.30-3 p.m.)

Abstract: North-South and South-South Intellectual Legacies
If, as Robert Young has argued, the global intellectual history of decolonisation should
be considered a “tricontinental” phenomenon, what does this history look like from
different localised perspectives? In response to that question, my talk will have two main points of anchorage. The first is the anticolonial discourse in Sweden that emerged in the late 1950s and 1960s, the second is the African (mainly southern African) participation in the tricontinental intellectual commons – also in the post-1945 era. These histories will then lead to a reflection on where we might locate transcontinental dialogues today, in our moment of post-globalisation.

Sep 27, 9-10.30 a.m.: Tommaso Milani, Department of Swedish, multilingualism, language technology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Title: On Angry Alliances

(Lecture 9-10 a.m. + discussion 10-10.30 a.m.)

Abstract: On Angry Alliances
While anger is often treated as a ‘dirty’ feeling or a pathology, queer anger holds the
potential for a renewed politics of (self-)discomfort. I draw upon queer theory in order to strategically highlight that anger is what constitutes queer both as a homophobic slur and as a reclaimed label of self-identification. Put differently, it is impossible to understand how ‘queer’ works pragmatically without its affective loading. Moreover, inspired by the Black feminist tradition, I argue that it is imperative to forge angry coalitions with other activist and academic projects against discrimination. Current research in Sweden and elsewhere needs to build a broader defying alliance that not only marshals together various streams of anger directed at different sides of the same Leviathan, hegemony, but also does not shy away from internal annoyances and is not afraid of constantly discomforting itself.

For more information, please go to https://ju.se/center/cueed-ll/aktuellt/2022-06-27-internat-pa-lindholmen-conference-centre.html

Please add your name to this list if you are interested in participating at one or several of the seminars: People requesting online participation at the CuEEd.docx

Oct 7, 3-4.30 p.m.

Docentföreläsning/Docent lecture

Johannes Heuman, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden

Title: "Emotions, Memory and Social Mobilisation: Challenges in History Education in a Global Context”

The lecture is a hybrid event which takes place in room Hb116 at SEC/HLK and via Zoom. For those attending in person, there will be an after-lecture mingle on the fourth floor.

Please contact Maria Bäcke, maria.backe@ju.se, for registration, more information and a zoom link.

Okt 12, 2-4 PM

Humanistiskt forum (The Humanities Forum)

Title: Humanvetenskapliga framtidsstudier och science fiction (in Swedish)

Michael Godhe, docent i Kultur och medigestaltning vid Linköpings universitet, presenterar det tvärvetenskapliga forskningsfältet kritiska framtidsstudier (Critical Future Studies) och hur han tillämpar det på sin egen forskning, särskilt science fiction. Kommentator: Ylva Lindberg


Seminariet kommer att genomföras på plats i sal Ha208 på HLK med möjlighet att delta på Zoom.

Oct 13-14

CCD international seminar series

Retreat and seminar theme: Languaging perspectives

Oct 13, 1.30-3 p.m.: Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden

Title: “Re-centering. Many ways-of-being-with-words”

Zoom link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/6269502044?pwd=L1pHOEdLTldmQmRkOXh3c1l6YUowQT09


Oct 13, 3.30-5 p.m.: Tommaso Milani, Department of Swedish, multilingualism, language technology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Title: “Multilingualism: Quo vadis?”

Zoom link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/6269502044?pwd=L1pHOEdLTldmQmRkOXh3c1l6YUowQT09


Oct 14, 9-11 a.m.: Sinfree Makoni, Department of Applied Linguistics, Penn State University, U.S. & Paris, France

Title:Shifting the geography of reason in language studies, weighing the relevance and limitations of decolonization and Southern Epistemologies” (Part 1)

Part 2: conversation between Sinfree and Sangeeta

Part 3: open dialogue

Zoom link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/6269502044?pwd=L1pHOEdLTldmQmRkOXh3c1l6YUowQT09


Oct 20, 1-3 p.m.

CCD Working Papers/Internal seminar series

1-2 p.m. Asia Della Rosa, HLK, Jönköping University

2-3 p.m. Matthew Glass, HLK, Jönköping University

Room: Ha208

Zoom link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/6269502044?pwd=L1pHOEdLTldmQmRkOXh3c1l6YUowQT09.


Nov 10-11

Exploratory workshop days at HLK: Ethics and Values in Educational Data-driven Practices

This is an invitation to participate in the Second Workshop within the project “Ethics and Values in educational data-driven practices: Conceptual, Methodological and Pragmatic Explorations”, funded by the Swedish Research Council - Education Sciences program (Links to an external site.). The project aims to explore concepts, methods, and interventions for researching ethics and values in data-driven education.

The team behind the project, Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Stockholm University, Ylva Lindberg, Jönköping University, and Anders Buch, VIA University College, invite you to participate in this second workshop.

Participation in the workshop is free, and our project grant will cover your expenses for travel and accommodation. There will be served lunches, and the project will cover expenses for an arranged dinner in Jönköping city on Thursday evening.

The venue for the workshop is Jönköping University, Sweden. We will provide you with more practical information if you choose to accept our invitation.

Please, contact Ylva Lindberg, ylva.lindberg@ju.se if you are interested in participating in these days.

Nov 25, 12 noon-12.50 p.m.

CCD Lunch seminar

DoIT (Delaktighet och Inkluderingstankesmedja) lunch with Petra Weckström, Riksteatern, Stockholm, Sweden

Petra Weckström will talk about DoIT's origin and highlight the importance of meetings between people and between organisations. Experience the driving forces and contribute to future foci in the think tank DoIT, which started in April 2016!

Please contact Ulrika Stjerndahl (ulrika.stjerndahl@ju.se) to sign up and receive a zoom link.


Dec 1, 6.30-7.30 p.m.

JU Public Lectures

Staffan Bengtsson, associate professor in Disability research & Radu Dinu, senior lecturer in History. Jönköping University, Sweden

Title: Disability and labour – historical and comparative perspectives (lecture in Swedish)

This lecture offers fresh perspectives on the history of disability and labour in the twentieth century and highlights the need to address the topic beyond regional boundaries. How has the central role of labour influenced disabled people in the twentieth century? What differences can be found between state socialist and liberal-democratic societies? These types of questions will be at the core of Staffan Bengtsson’s and Radu Dinu’s lecture.

Room: Hc113, Jönköping university. The lecture is live streamed via YouTube.

Dec 8-9

CCD international seminar series

Dec 8, 1:10-2:30 p.m
Adnan Mahmutović, Department of English, Stockholm University, Sweden
Title: “To the Word-woods and Back: On Language and Speechlessness”
Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/62373605165

Dec 8, 2:45-3:45 p.m
Stefan Helgesson, Department of English, Stockholm University, Sweden 
Title: “The Global South and Reading Practices in Sweden”
Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/62373605165

Dec 9, I-2:30 p.m
Tommaso Milani, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Title: “The Politics of Collective Remembering”
Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/62373605165

Dec 8, 1-2.30 p.m.

Digital Futures for Education: Digital transformation in education: paradoxes, hopes, and realities

Conversation 3: Digital transformation in education: paradoxes, hopes, and realities

Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus OR via Zoom

Digital Futures for Education is a new series of conversations and events that bring together key actors from academia, civil society, and the private and public sectors. Its mission is to provide a colloquial space for discussion and reflection on the digital transformation in education and the role of universities in today’s complex societies. The goal is also to build a community with key national and international educational actors.


Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Professor, Stockholm University and Associate Director Outreach, Digital Futures


Jannie Jeppesen, CEO, Swedish Edtech

Ylva Lindberg, Professor, School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University

Stefan Hrastinski, Professor, Division of Digital Learning, KTH

More information: https://www.digitalfutures.kth.se/event/digital-futures-for-education-digital-transformation-in-education-paradoxes-hopes-and-realities/

Dec 15, 2-3.30 p.m.

CCD Working Papers/Internal seminar series

Doctoral Planning Seminar (in Swedish). Margareta Lindström, planeringsseminarium i sal A521, Högskolan i Borås.

Zoom: https://hb-se.zoom.us/j/65441885522

Senior läsare är Susanne Klaar, universitetslektor vid Högskolan i Borås Susanne Klaar - Högskolan i Borås (hb.se)

Dec 16, 12.30-4 p.m.

DoIT seminar series

Hybrid seminar (in Swedish)

Delaktighets- och Inkluderingstankesmedjan, DoIT

DoIT-träff 16 december 2022, kl. 12.30-16, hybridformat

Tema: Är vi kulturellt hållbara? Att kunna och våga undersöka människans drivkrafter.

När: 16 december kl. 12.30-16.00 (tolkar mellan svenskt teckenspråk och talad svenska finns)

Plats: Örebro läns museum, Kaserngården 6 (OBS! inte länsmuseibyggnaden som är stängd för renovering) och digitalt via Zoom

Anmäl dig via DoIT:s webbsida senast den 13 december. Ange om du behöver teckenspråkstolk.

OBS! Begränsat antal platser på Kaserngården 6.


12.30 Introduktion till DoIT och dagens tema av Sangeeta Bagga Gupta, Jönköping University och Petra Weckström, Riksteatern.

12.45 Kulturell hållbarhet är ett begrepp som funnits med i hållbarhetsdiskursen, i alla fall sedan Brundtlandrapporten 1987. Men utan att få fäste. Nu är läget akut, ända tvekar mänskligheten. Lösningarna är tekniska och naturvetenskapliga. Kultur i allmänhet, och humanistisk men även sociologisk forskning, ses inte som del av klimat- och miljöarbetet. Trots att den moderna människan orsakat problemen är hon inte en del av lösningen. Vad ett gott liv är och nödvändigheten av gränser för våra begär diskuteras knappt. Vi ska fortsätta som tidigare, utvecklings- och tillväxtparadigmen gäller. Inte ens kulturinstitutionerna själva ser vilka deras unika bidrag skulle kunna vara. De fokuserar på saker som miljöledning (i sig bra) och på att berätta om det som håller på att hända, och vad som kan görs åt det men inom andra områden än kultur. Är det inte dags att kasta ljus över denna blinda fläck?

Hur kan kulturen bidra? Örebro läns museum ger exempel på hur vi arbetar i teori och praktik.

13.45 Paus med fika för dem som är på plats

14.00 Samtal i grupper på plats och digitalt – vad kan kulturinstitutioner – och verksamheter göra för den kulturella hållbarheten, om den är viktig?

14.45 Samtal i nya grupper – vilka är dina drivkrafter till personlig förändring? Det första steget mot kulturell hållbarhet?

15.45 Avslutning och blick mot nästa möte

Värd: Birgitta Johansson, DoIT och Örebro Länsmuseum, Örebro

Dec 20, 1-3 p.m.

Humanistiskt forum (The Humanities Forum)

Lina Rahm: AI Bildung and the Genealogy of Educational Imaginaries

Lina Rahm is Assistant Professor in the History of Media and Environment with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden and presents her research on technological change and the education of citizens.

More information:


The seminar will be held on-campus in room Hc229 with the possibility to participate on Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68749314350

Feb 5, 10 am-12 noon

CCD international Seminar

Dorte Kousholt, Associate professor, Denmark,

Title: “Conflictual collaboration in research practice and analysis – reflections about transmethodology".

Chair: Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Assistant professor, CCD, University of Gothenburg

Readings: Højholt, C., & Kousholt, D. (2020). Contradictions and conflicts: Researching school as conflictual social practice. Theory & Psychology, 30(1), 36-55. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354319884129

Please contact giulia.messina.dahlberg@gu.se for the article.

ZOOM link: https://gu-se.zoom.us/j/63435125521


Feb 12, 10 am12 noon

CCD Working Papers seminar

Lars Almén, Doctoral student, Jönköping University

Title: Languaging in digital educational spaces: Studies of participation, agency and digitalization processes inside and outside classroom settings.

Discussant: Professor Neil Selwyn, Monash University, Australia.
Reader 1: Docent Marco Nilsson, Jönköping University.
Reader 2: Dr. Sylvi Vigmo, Göteborgs University & Jönköping University.
Reader 3: Doktorand Johan Bäcklund, Jönköping University.

Further information, please contact asa.lundgren@ju.se

Host: School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University.


Feb 26 1-3 pm

PraSK Seminar

Anders Buch, Centre for Quality of Education, Profession Policy, and Practice, VIA University College

Title: Socio(-)Materiality and Modes of Inquiry. When does the owl of Minerva take flight?

Locality: The interplay of the social and the material realm has preoccupied discussions within Science and Technology Studies for quite some time. Taking departure in these discussions, the lecture explores the ontological commitments needed to advance theories of practice.

ZOOM link: ju-se.zoom.us/J/7262330985


Mar 26, 1-5.30 pm

DoIT Seminar

DoIT-träffen, https://ju.se/ccd/doit

Theme: What are roles of leaders and which paradoxes appear in the expectations regarding questions of participation and inclusiveness? What might a “third position” of participation and inclusiveness entail and how to we reach this together? (The seminar will held in Swedish and in Swedish Sign Language)

DoIT think tank initiators Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, professor, Jönköping University, and Petra Weckström, CEO, Örebro Teater, discuss with Dritëro Kasapi, head of Riksteatern, Susanna Dahlberg, CEO, Regionteater Väst, Elisabet Nilhfors, professor emerita, Uppsala University, and Ylva Winther, head of education, Sunne kommun.

Host: Örebro Teater och CCD, Jönköping University


Apr 9, 1-3 pm

PraSK Seminar

Lillian Buus, VIA University College, research leader of the environment Learning & IT.

Title: What Happens to Learning Design Processes in the Digital Transformation to Online Teaching and Learning (during Covid-19)?


Apr 16, 1-3 pm

CCD international Seminar

Quentin Williams, Associate professor, South Africa, https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FOn5eqsAAAAJ&hl=en

Title: "Towards a Public Sociolinguistics: Inventing Language at the Margins of South Africa".

Chair: Ylva Lindberg, Professor, CCD, Jönköping University

Readings: Williams, Q. (2018). Multilingual activism in South African Hip Hop. Journal of World Popular Music. 5(1), 31-49. https://doi.org/10.1558/jwpm.36672

Please contact ylva.lindberg@ju.se for the article.


May 6, 3-5 pm

CCD Working Papers seminar

Carolina Lúgaro, Doctoral student, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Title: Deafness and Multiliteracies: Paths towards Inclusion in a Plurilingual and Multimodal World

Chair: Maria Bäcke, CCD, Jönköping University

Discussant: Ingela Holmström

ZOOM link:

Please contact susanne.smithberger@ju.se for the article.

May 21, 1-3 pm

PraSK Seminar

Nina Bonderup

Title: Designing for situated knowledge in a world of change

ZOOM link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/7262330985

Jun 4, 10 am-12-noon

CCD international Seminar

Clemens Wieser, Associate professor, Denmark, http://au.dk/en/wie@edu

Title: "Video diaries as a resource for self-narrations in ethnographic research".

Chair: Elisabet Sandblom, Assistant professor, CCD, Jönköping University

ZOOM link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67363462677?pwd=dmgwTEdEeHJlWHk4d3dlS3NqVEovQT09 External link, opens in new window.

CCD International Seminar Series Autumn 2020 (and Save the dates for 2021)

Communication, Culture and Diversity, CCD (www.ju.se/ccd)

Convened by Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, professor
Scientific leader CCD research environment

Seminar Chairs Ylva Lindberg, professor and Giulia Messina Dahlberg, assistant professor
Senior and co-leaders CCD research environment


Overarching theme for Autumn 2020: Monolingualism, Multilingualism

N.B. It is important that you keep your mikes shut-off during the seminar, and post your questions/comments on the chat (the Chair or one of the seminar hosts will enable your mike to directly talk with Dr. Rafael Lomeu Gomes, Dr. David Gramling, or Dr. Alan Carneiro).

28 August 2020, 10-12, Zoom

Chair: Dr. Giulia Messina Dahlberg

Dr. Rafael Lomeu Gomes, Doctoral Research Fellow

Faculty of Humanities
University of Oslo, Norway

Title: Family multilingualism through a ‘translingual lens’: Current theoretical orientations and challenges

Seminar reading:

  1. Bagga-Gupta, Sangeeta and Giulia Messina Dahlberg. 2018. Meaning-making or Heterogeneity in the Areas of Language and Identity? The Case of Translanguaging and Nyanlända (Newly-arrived) across Time and Space, International Journal of Multilingualism, 15:4, 383-411, DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2018.1468446
  2. Lomeu Gomes, Rafael. 2020. Talking Multilingual Families into Being: Language Practices and Ideologies of a Brazilian-Norwegian Family in Norway, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2020.1788037

Family multilingualism through a ‘translingual lens’: Current theoretical orientations and challenges

In the past five years or so, sociolinguistic approaches to family multilingualism have been marked by an ever-increasing diversity of theoretical orientations (Curdt-Christiansen 2018, Lanza and Lomeu Gomes 2020). Among these orientations, one that has received particular attention takes a practice-based perspective and draws on understandings of languages as fluid, dynamic, and localised (as opposed to abstract entities that can be neatly separated, counted, and labelled). Building on this discussion, in the first part of this seminar, I point to the ways in which the employment of a ‘translingual lens’ can be useful in making sense of the connections between language practices and ideologies of family members in multilingual houses. In particular, I present part of a three-year ethnographically oriented study undertaken in Oslo, Norway to discuss how monoglossic language ideologies may influence parent-child interactions in the home (Lomeu Gomes 2020). This analytical move may illuminate certain questions overlooked by current literature on child bilingualism. Yet, its employment risks reifying taken-for-granted understandings of language and losing its innovative explanatory potential (Bagga-Gupta and Messina Dahlberg 2018, Pennycook 2016). In the second, and final, part of the seminar, the following question is posed: to what extent can the employment of a ‘translingual lens’ be reconciled with the efforts of parents who aim at fostering practices that may lead to the maintenance of the so-called home language(s)? Rather than reaching definite answers, it is expected that the discussion in this seminar triggers reflections concerning the challenging task of doing socially relevant research that may inform practices in the home and in society at large.


Bagga-Gupta, Sangeeta and Giulia Messina Dahlberg. 2018. Meaning-making or Heterogeneity in the Areas of Language and Identity? The Case of Translanguaging and Nyanlända (Newly-arrived) across Time and Space, International Journal of Multilingualism, 15:4, 383-411, DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2018.1468446

Curdt-Christiansen, Xiao Lan. 2018. “Family Language Policy.” In The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, edited by James Tollefson, and Miguel Perez-Milans, 420–441. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lanza, Elizabeth, and Rafael Lomeu Gomes. 2020. “Family Language Policy: Foundations, Theoretical Perspectives and Critical Approaches.” In Handbook of Home Language Maintenance and Development: Social and Affective Factors, edited by Susana A. Schalley and Susana A. Eisenchlas, 153–173. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Lomeu Gomes, Rafael. 2020. Talking Multilingual Families into Being: Language Practices and Ideologies of a Brazilian-Norwegian Family in Norway, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2020.1788037

Pennycook, Alastair. 2016. “Mobile Times, Mobile Terms: The Trans-super-poly-metro Movement.” In Sociolinguistics: Theoretical Debates, edited by Nikolas Coupland, 201– 216. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

9 October 2020, 10-12, Zoom:


Chair: Dr. Ylva Linderberg

Dr. David Gramling, Associate professor

College of Humanities
The University of Arizona, USA

Title: What’s happening in Late Monolingualism?

The seminar will discuss multilingualism versus. translanguaging and individual monolingualism versus modern / late modern monolingualism as a historical frame.

Seminar reading:

Introduction and Chapter 1 from Dr. David Gramling’s forthcoming book The Invention of Multilingualism (available from susanne.smithberger@ju.se on request)

20 November 2020, 10-12, Zoom:


Chair: Dr. Giulia Messina Dahlberg

Dr. Alan Carneiro, Assistant professor

Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Title: Analysing communicative repertoires and social change. The dynamics of language regimes in Timor-Leste

Seminar reading:

Agha, A. (2004). Registers of Language. In: DURANTI, A. (Ed.) A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology (p. 23-45), Oxford: Blackwell. (Available from susanne.smithberger@ju.se on request).

Analysing communicative repertoires and social change. The dynamics of language regimes in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste is a small Southeast Asian country, which became independent in 2002, its Constitution recognizes two languages as official, Portuguese, which was chosen because of its history in the territory and Tetun, a standardized version of a local language variety. Beyond the official languages, the Constitution gives the status of working languages to English and Indonesian and of national languages to the two dozens of different local indigenous languages. In this multilingual setting, the use of these different languages and the multiple forms of transidiomatic practices - or in other words, transglossic practices (Cox and Assis-Peterson, 2007) - regulate social interactions in diverse social contexts. The main aim of this paper is to characterize hegemonic language ideologies about these languages and these different transglossic practices and their role in the mediation of communicative practices, the construction of linguistic hierarchies and social distinction in the country. This research is based on an ethnographic study about the local language in education policies, which had a focus on the role of Portuguese language teachers in their implementation. The data to be analysed are the metasociolinguistic stances (Jaffe, 2009) of these language teachers in life narratives and the way they position themselves in relation to the different local languages and transglossic practices. Their different stances index the ways the use of different languages are metapragmatically regulated (Wortham, 2001), structuring a specific local language regime (Kroskrity, 2000), but also to the metapragmatics of transglossic practices and the ways they can be part of new processes of enregisterment (Agha, 2004) and the construction of new language regimes. These dynamics of shift in language ideologies in the country points out for a process of social change in the value of languages, language practices and their speakers along the time and the ways that legitimate languages and legitimate speakers are or can be potentially constructed in these different timescales. If by one side, these language regimes can exclude as they are constantly reaffirming borders, by the other side, there are also possibilities for the subversion and redrawing of identities through the creative use of language resources.


Agha, A. (2004). Registers of Language. In: DURANTI, A. (Ed.) A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology (p. 23-45), Oxford: Blackwell.

Assis-Peterson, A.A., & Cox., M. I. P. (2007). Transculturalidade e Transglossia: para compreender o fenômeno das fricções linguístico-culturais em sociedades contemporâneas sem nostalgia. In S. M. Bortoni-Ricardo & M. C. Cavalcanti (Eds.), Transculturalidade, Linguagem e Educação (pp. 23-43). Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras.

Jaffe, A. (Ed.) (2009). Stance: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kroskrity, P. (Ed.) (2000). Regimes of Language: Ideologies, Polities and Identities. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press.

Wortham, S. (2001). Language ideology and educational research. Linguistics & Education, 12, p. 253-259.

Alan Carneiro is an Assistant Professor of Language Policy and Planning at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) (2017 to the present). He was a lecturer of Portuguese language at the University of Cape Town (UCT), from 2015 to 2017. He holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics (2014), in the area of Multiculturalism, Multilingualism and Bilingual Education, from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). His thesis is related to the teaching of Portuguese in the multilingual setting of Timor-Leste, where he taught at Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e.

CCD International Seminar Series 2021 - Save the dates

5 Feb 2021 (10-12 or 13-15)

16 April 2021 (10-12 or 13-15)

4 June 2021 (10-12 or 13-15)

20 August 2021 (10-12 or 13-15)

15 October 2021 (10-12 or 13-15)

3 December 2021 (10-12 or 13-15)

  1. Multilingualism, Diversity and Democracy
    8-10 April 2019
    More info
  2. Culture at Our Borders
    7-10 March 2019
    Symposium by Zlatan Filipovic at the annual ACLA conference.
    More information
  • GeM 2018, Genres and media landscapes in virtual-physical learning spaces. Moving frontlines?
    12-14 September 2018, Jönköping, Sweden
  • 5th International Media Summit an interdisciplinary conference on Mediamorphosis: Identity & Participation
    16-17 February 2018
  • Mar-Jun: Send in abstract to Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, Auckland, New Zealand (June 27-30, 2018)12-14 September, International conference in the CCD network: Genres and media landscapes in virtual-physical learning spaces. Moving frontlines? (GeM 2018), School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University
  • 27-30 June: Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, Auckland, New Zealand
  • The international conference CTDS, Communication, Technologies and Deaf Studies – Shifting paradigms and new challenges, Autumn 2017, Jönköping, Sweden
  • 10-14/8 2017: Writing event CCD
  • 13-16/6 2017: EDEN Annual Conference, Jönköping University, Sweden
  • 16-21/7 2017: 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • The International Conference Dis/Ability Communication ICDC
    January 9-11 2017, Mumbai, India
  • 9-11/1: Mumbai, India The International Conference Dis/Ability Communication ICDC
  • 28-29/3: Translanguaging – researchers and practitioners in dialogue, Örebro University, Sweden.
  • 26-28/4: National Forum for English Studies, English across Borders: Celebrating the Diversity of the English Language, Jönköping University, Sweden.
  • 16-21/7: 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 
    The international conference CTDS, Communication, Technologies and Deaf Studies – Shifting paradigms and new challenges, Autumn 2017, Jönköping, Sweden
  • 6-7/10: Teaching Literature. First conference on the role of literature in the language learning. (In Swedish). Organizers: Anette Svensson, Jönköping University & Katherina Dodou, Dalarna University. Web site and call for papers are coming soon.
  • August konferens, Finland
  • 18-23/8: Writing event CCD
  • 13-16/6: EDEN Annual Conference, Jönköping University, Sweden.
  • 29-31/5: Conference languages: Nordic and English
    University of Southern Denmark, Odense
  • 7-8/2: Minoritetsspråklige elever i de nye grunnskolelærerutdanningene, Norge, Oslo 

8-9/3: PAL* project – Forte Talks, Stockholm

17/3: Rhetorics for teachers – Anders Sigrell, Jönköping

18/3: LPS* Higher seminar – Roger Säljö, Jönköping

8-12/4: AAAL* 2016 – International Colloquium – “Research methods as practice. Current fieldwork strategies and methodological accountings”, Florida, USA. More here.

20/5: Languaging, Learning, Identiting. The significance of everyday life – Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Jönköping

7-8/6: SPARC* conference, Jönköping University, Sweden

17/6: Dissertation defence, Helen Avery, Moving Together – Conditions for Intercultural Development at a Highly Diverse Swedish School, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden

14-17/8: Writing retreat, Sånga-Säby, Sweden

22-24/8: PPL2* 2016 – University of Jyväskylä, Finland

24-27/8: EuroSLA* 26 - University of Jyväskylä, Finland

2/9: Dissertation defence, Annaliina Gynne, Languaging and Social Positioning in Multilingual School Practices - Studies of Sweden Finnish Middle School Years, Mälardalen University (Västerås), Sweden

19/9: Application workshop, Jönköping University, Sweden

13-14/9: International Conference CTDS*, Jönköping University, Sweden (postponed)

24-25/11: Konferens, Karlstads universitet, Svenska med Didaktisk inriktning

AAAL = Association of American Applied Linguistics

CTDS = International conference on Communication, Technology and Deaf Studies

EuroSLA = European conference on Second Language Acquisition

ICDC = International conference on dis/ability communication

LPS = Reserach environment "Learning practices inside and outside schools"

PAL = Swedish Research Council projekt 2016-2019 "Participation for all?"

PLL2 = International conference Psychology of Language Learning

  • A cross-sector multidisciplinary international conference: ICS - Going Beyond Inclusion. New forms of Cultural Spaces in the 21st century
  • 18-21 November 2015, Örebro, Sweden
    Read More
  • International conference: ViLS-2 Virtual Learning Sites as languaging spaces
    22-24 September 2015, Örebro, Sweden
    More information
  • DIAL - International symposium: Dialogue In Action for Learning - Meaning-making processes inside and outside institutional practices
    9-10 December 2014, Örebro University, Sweden
    More info
  • Swedish-Indian International Research Conference: LanDpost - Languaging and Diversity in the age of post-colonial glocal-medialization
    15-17 October 2014, Mysore, India
  • Re-visiting Identity, Marginalization and Bilingualism
    Monday 2 June 2014, Örebro University campus, Lecture Hall M
    Organizers: CCD & LIMCUL
    More here
  • International multidisciplinary symposium: CuLT - Cultural practices, literacies and technological mediations
    (In cooperation with research school LIMCUL)
    3-5 March 2014, Örebro Sweden
  • International multidisciplinary workshop: MeMary - Methods, materials and analyses for research on multilingual youth – qualitative perspectives
    (In cooperation with research school LIMCUL)
    25-26 November 2013, Stockholm University
    Additional information
  • REID - Revisiting Identity Embodied communication across time and space
    22-24 October 2013
    Expanded information
  • Virtual learning sites as transnational borderlands
    10-11 April 2013
  • Marginalization processes. International workshop MP 2012.
    26 - 28 april 2012
    Link to more information
  • Languaging-Musicking - Including/excluding practices inside and outside school
    2 - 5 March 2012
    More details
  • Is there a place for Intersectionality in Educational Research?
    Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Implications
    International Research Workshop, Örebro Sweden
    Part I October 7-9 2009
    Part II April 27 2010
  • Symposium and Research Workshop
    Re-thinking bilingualism - Issues of multilingualism and communication in education, May 2009
  • Language and gestures as interaction in educational arenas
    November 10-11, 2003
  • International workshop on literacy and bilingualism
    August 1998