Collaborate with the School of Engineering
There are many benefits to collaborating with the School of Engineering. Our students are the innovators and employees of tomorrow who come out with the latest knowledge in their respective areas of education. Together with companies, both research and education are carried out with companies' challenges in focus. Below you will find several different offers and opportunities for collaboration as well contact routes at the School of Engineering.

Engagement in Education
Get involved in students' education to learn about innovative ideas, and strengthen and contribute to the workforce of the future. Keep up to date with the latest knowledge, improve your company profile and create valuable networking opportunities. This engagement is an investment in both individuals and the company's long-term skills supply.
Industrial placement course
Does your company need skills development in a specific area? Do you need help with a project or a study? JTH's industrial placement courses are a win-win situation for both you and the student. Almost all students at JTH do some form of internship (IPC) for a number of weeks with employers.
Read our broschure Pdf, 3.2 MB, opens in new window. about IPC and thesis projects or read more about IPC here.
Student thesis projects
Does your company have a challenge that needs to be looked at with fresh eyes? By inviting an engineering student to do a thesis, you can bring an academic perspective and find new solutions to a challenge in your organisation.
Read our broschure Pdf, 3.2 MB, opens in new window. about IPC and thesis projects or read more about thesis projects here
Is your company working on a new product or service and want to get new ideas or perspectives on your work? A workshop is an effective tool in the brainstorming phase or in the start-up of new projects. Let our engineering students work on your idea during a workshop and get new thoughts and insights.
Give our engineering students a programming challenge during a Hackathon! Students work on your case and present different solutions that your company can be inspired by. A hackathon usually involves participants programming what they want, how they want, in a free form. A hackathon usually lasts for 24 hours or over a weekend. There are also hackathons where you develop, modify or improve physical products.
Course project
Does your company have a project underway where you need new ideas? Then it is possible to customise a course based on the project.
International Campus
Is your company operating globally and in need of labour, skills, development or research? JTH's international campus programme ensures that students can do their internship or thesis in collaboration with a company abroad, usually in combination with academic studies. As a company, you get in touch with new competences while getting help with development. In turn, students gain international experience, which is highly sought after by employers.
Membership in a industry advisory board
By participating in industry advisory boards for a study programme, you and your company are helping to shape the engineers of tomorrow. Here you have the opportunity to influence the content of the programmes so that students learn what the industry is looking for.
Course guest lecture
Share your expertise while strengthening your company's brand among students. A guest lecture needs to be relevant to the course and linked to the teaching. We match you with the right course coordinator!
Course study visit
Host students on study visits to help us connect theory and practice. Study visits are highly appreciated by both students and teachers. Students often receive a course assignment linked to the visit.

Branding towards students
A strong presence and visibility among students gives your company the opportunity to shape its brand as an innovative and socially engaged employer. By targeting students, you can establish long-term relationships and become their future first choice for both work and business.
Present your company at our entrance hall
JTH's main entrance is bustling with students. Here you have the opportunity to present your company and make personal contacts with future employees. Your presence is promoted in advance in various channels so that students with the desired study specialisation know that you are there.
OBS offered by the student organisation HI TECH External link, opens in new window..
Reach students with everything from internships to job offers. Your advert will appear directly in the job portal, which includes thousands of qualified students. The job portal is free for you to use.
Make your company visible by awarding scholarships to talented students. JTH organises a large scholarship award ceremony in connection with the Xjobbsmässan in late May and early June every year.
Build your business and your brand in collaboration with our students and researchers. There are many ways to sponsor different initiatives at JTH and at the same time expose your brand: we are open to your ideas!
One project that has had a large media impact is our solar-powered car, for which 60 companies provided sponsorship in the form of funding, knowledge and materials. The JU solar car competes against about 40 universities from around the world - the six day long race is held in Australia. The solar car's partners are promoted by students and staff and also benefit from exposure on the web, in printed materials, and at events. Our sponsors are even displayed on the car itself.
Karriärum is JTH's career day, and is a great opportunity for your company to find new skills. Make contacts with curious and committed students and take the opportunity to invite them to an internship or thesis project. During Karriärum you will also meet many other regional and national companies that can broaden your network.
Xjobbsmässan (thesis fair)
At Xjobbsmässan, students present the results of their studies - their final thesis project. There, the acquired knowledge has been translated into a product or solution that is in demand by the business community. Take the opportunity to discuss ideas with skilled engineers and masterstudents that are graduating and are ready for working life.
Executive on campus
Business leaders who are on campus and give an open lecture.
Lunch lecture
Present your company at JTH and offer a light lunch to the students. Your visit is promoted in relevant channels.
OBS offered by the student organisation HI TECH External link, opens in new window..
Study visit
Host students on study visits to your workplace and strengthen your employer and location brand.
Visibility on social media
Promote your business to students on the HI TECH Students' Association's social media channels.
OBS offered by the student organisation HI TECH External link, opens in new window..

Engagement in research
JTH has leading researchers and professors with expertise in a number of areas. Collaborating with them gives you as a company access to deep knowledge and experience. Moreover, by collaborating with JTH, you can be at the forefront of new innovations and business. This can help you develop new products, improve processes and create competitive advantages.
Research collaboration
Based on your company's needs, we work together on a joint research project, providing you with new and relevant research results that your organisation can benefit from.
JTH organises conferences, often in collaboration with the business community, where current issues and research are highlighted. It is an opportunity for you to increase your level of knowledge, make contacts and create collaboration between companies and academia.
Industrial doctoral student
An industrial doctoral student is a research student who is both employed by and conducts most of their research at an industrial company. During their doctoral studies, they also take courses and are supervised in their research. After completing their studies and defending their thesis, it is common for them to continue working as researchers at the company.
Research seminars
Taking part in new research improves your position in the market and strengthens your competitiveness. In JU's event calendar you can see upcoming research seminars.

Competence development
Get smarter - develop your skills with us! Take the opportunity to learn something new, from a short lecture on a current research topic to a stand-alone course with us, or even borrow or swap staff with us! Do you have other ideas? Get in touch!
Lifelong learning
To develop your business and your staff, we offer lifelong learning through webinars, courses and lectures aimed at the business and public sectors.
Read more about our offers for professionals here. External link, opens in new window.
Networking events
JTH has regional, national and global networks. We regularly organise network meetings to which the business community is invited.
Own board/management team meeting
Have your board or management team meeting at JTH in the centre of Jönköping! We arrange coffee or lunch according to your wishes and make sure that you get the opportunity to take part in a short presentation on current research in the desired area.
Intersectoral mobility
Assign a person to JTH or host a JTH employee in your company for a limited time for specific tasks. They keep their primary positions. Intersectoral mobility is used to benefit from short-term expertise in the context of mutually beneficial cooperation.
Does your company need a customised lecture on what's going on in construction technology? Or perhaps the latest developments in production systems? JTH offers lectures in a range of areas that are relevant to your company's competence development - specifically tailored to your needs and wishes.